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JALC to Continue Online Only Classes Through the Summer 2020 Semester

Published on April 13, 2020

John A. Logan College has announced that it will continue online only classes for the summer 2020 semester.  Summer classes begin on June 8.

The College recently extended online only learning options for the remainder of the spring semester.  The College also announced that all campus activities through May 15, including graduation, have been cancelled.

“With the fluidity of this pandemic, the administration has made the decision to continue online only instruction for the summer semester,” said College President Dr. Ron House. “As more cases of COVID-19 in the College district are reported, we have to do what is best for our students, staff and the region.”

Dr. House added that registration for the summer and fall semesters continues remotely, and he encourages students to contact their advisor if they have not already done so.

“Our faculty and staff are doing a tremendous job in a difficult situation that nobody planned for, but they are adjusting and using technology to continue to serve students,” said House. “In addition to our online learning, our advisement staff is working through email, phone calls, and other technology to help students plan for coming semesters.  I encourage students to do their part and communicate with their advisor.  They are ready and willing to help.”

Students unsure who to contact about advisement can email registration@jalc.edu, and they will receive contact information for their advisor.

John A. Logan College continues to update students, staff and the general public at jalc.edu/covid19.  Students are encouraged to check their student email regularly and to sign up for JALCTEXT to receive updates and important announcements.