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John A. Logan College Will Extend Due Date, and Will Waive Activity Fee for Summer Tuition

Published on May 15, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, John A. Logan College officials have made the decision to extend the due date for Summer 2020 tuition one month from June 1 to July 1.  In addition to the due date extension, the College will be waiving the Student Activity Fee for the summer semester as well.  Students will see the fee on their bill, but the College will be waiving the $40 fee. 

According to Vice President for Business Services and College Facilities Brad McCormick, the fee will remain on the student’s tuition statement for reporting purposes, but it will be waived.

“For our own accounting purposes, the fee will show on the statement, but it will be waived at the time of payment,” said McCormick. “We know that these are challenging times, and the College will continue to do all it can to support students in their education. 

Students will have several options to pay their summer tuition.  Students can pay online by logging into their MyJALC account. They can also pay via an interactive voice response system by calling 877-776-5358. The interactive voice response will walk individuals through making a payment, and the Bursar’s Office will apply it to the student’s account within 48 hours. Students will need to have their 7-digit student ID number when making the payment. Checks can also be mailed to:

John A. Logan College 
Attn: Bursar Office 
Carterville, IL 62918

 Students also have the option to sign up for a payment plan by logging into their MyJALC account now through July 1, 2020. The payment plan will process two payments for the summer semester. The first payment will process on July 20, and the second payment on August 20. Please forward any questions to bursar@jalc.edu.