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Message from President Ron House

Published on June 2, 2020

Beginning Monday, June 8, 2020, the offices at John A. Logan College will be open.  Offices will be open each day from 8 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Thursday, with the exception of the 4th of July week.  (see Summer Schedule).  All social distancing rules must be followed.  To facilitate social distancing and other protective measures, not all employees will be working at the same time, but every employee will work.  The vice presidents and/or your supervisor will provide more information on your work schedule.

During the summer semester, all required protective equipment and procedures will be followed by everyone coming on campus, including employees, students, and visitors.

Student workers will be allowed to start work on the 8th of June and continue for the summer semester.

No in-person, face-to-face meetings with students will occur at this time.  Currently, all contact with students relative to counseling, registration, advising and other general consultation, will be done through virtual, teleconference or Zoom meetings only.

All classes will be online this summer except for those CTE students who are finishing spring semester requirements.  CTE students will be contacted by their instructor with specific instructions.

All community education classes and activities, except those that are online, are cancelled for the month of June.  A decision on community education activities for the month of July will be made at a later date.

The Fitness Center will be closed for the month of June, except for online courses and activities.  A decision on opening the Fitness Center in July will be made at a later date.

The SIH Walk-In Clinic will remain closed until further notice.

FACILITIES (Provided by Vice President McCormick)

The facility staff has been busy preparing for the safe return of employees to the campus by increasing the cleaning and disinfecting frequency.  Entry points into the campus buildings connected via enclosed walkways will be limited to the East Wing (coffee shop) entry, F Wing (conference center) entry, G Building, and the Communications Wing entries. Entrances to buildings not connected via enclosed walkways will be restricted to a single entry point.  The West Entry (Bell Tower) will be closed due to construction activity this summer.  These entries will be staffed by student workers from 7:30 am to 5 pm.  At these entry points, those entering will be reminded of PPE use and social distancing requirements and will be provided PPE materials if they do not have them.  The Facility Department has procured face masks, gloves, and a limited supply of sneeze guards for high public interaction locations.  Separate communication will be sent to supervisors regarding the process to request supplies and for assistance with signage related to social distance spacing.  Standardized signage, including floor spacing markers, will be provided by the Facilities Department.  During the summer, there will be no food service provided due to the low campus population.

The College continues to look to the Illinois Department of Public Health approved safety guidance in decision making provided at the link https://www2.illinois.gov/dceo/pages/restoreILP3.aspx.  Supervisors are to review the appropriate sections of these guidelines with staff during the week of June 8th.

Ron House, Ph.D.