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JALC Set to Wrap Up Fall Semester

Published on November 17, 2020

When the state of Illinois went into lockdown in March, John A. Logan College officials began the arduous planning process for a fall semester that would be different from any previous semester at the College.  Staff worked remotely and through video and phone conferences to develop a plan that allowed for some face-to-face classes in addition to fully remote and hybrid courses.  The plan included returning to fully online courses after the Thanksgiving holiday.

“With the potential of a second wave of the pandemic occurring in the late fall, we felt that the best course of action for the safety of our students and staff would be to limit the number of people on campus following the holiday,” said Vice President for Instruction Dr. Melanie Pecord.

According to Pecord, while all courses, with the exception of some clinicals, will finish the semester and final exams online, College services will remain open.

“Our student services, including advising, financial aid, and testing services will be staffed five days a week,” said Pecord. “We encourage students during the final weeks of the semester to meet with advisors and other staff by phone if possible, but if students need to come to campus or take a test for one of the restricted entry programs, we will be here to serve them.

Pecord added that all plans remain fluid and are subject to change if the Governor issues a directive shutting down the campus.

John A. Logan College President Dr. Ron House has been pleased with the faculty and staff’s efforts to continue to provide services and instruction throughout the pandemic.

“The protocols that we have put in place from requiring temperature checks to enter the campus to the extensive cleaning that takes place after a classroom has been used have all factored into this semester being a success,” said House. “But safety is only part of the success.  Our faculty have developed new ways to deliver instruction, and student services have continued to communicate with and provide essential services to students from the beginning of the pandemic to now.”

Both House and Pecord stressed the importance of communication.

“Students that have questions or concerns about a specific class should email their instructor and keep that line of communication open,” said Pecord. “If they have any questions or concerns about their program or financial aid, then they should reach out to an advisor.”

House added that in addition to texting and emailing students with any changes or updates, the College would continue to post updates to social media and the College’s COVID-19 page.

“We will update students and the public immediately if any changes are announced,” said House.  “Until then, we will continue as planned to complete the semester and serve students to start the spring semester.”

Registration for the spring semester is currently underway at the College.  Classes are scheduled to begin on January 11, 2021 in four modalities; Online, Scheduled Online, Hybrid and Face to Face. New or current students interested in enrolling for the spring semester can email advising@jalc.edu to make an appointment.