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JALC’s Griffith Named Illinois Association for Career and Technical Education Post-Secondary Teacher of the Year

Published on April 15, 2021

Dr. Wayne Griffith
Dr. Wayne Griffith

John A. Logan College Agriculture Instructor Dr. Wayne Griffith was recently named the IACTE Post-Secondary Teacher of the Year during the Illinois Association for Career and Technical Education annual conference.

This award goes to a member employed as a full-time post-secondary CTE teacher. It is given for demonstrating innovation in the classroom, commitment to students, and dedication to CTE improvement in institutions and communities.

Griffith was recognized for his leadership in establishing the agriculture program at John A. Logan College. The transfer program offers students numerous pathways to begin their academic career at the community college level and finish at a four-year institution.  In addition to the transfer program, the College recently approved a new Applied Science Degree in Agribusiness.

A press release from the IACTE stated that Griffith was chosen for his ability to provide instruction that engages students on the topic at hand.  He strives to relate the information to their recent experiences and seeks to build the connection between the academic concepts covered and the world the student is currently navigating.

Griffith is humbled that the efforts to start the program from the ground up at the College are being recognized and is thankful to his peers and the College for the support.

First off, I want to thank John A. Logan College for the opportunity, to begin with, this program at the ground level and to develop these opportunities for our students,” said Griffith.  “I also want to thank the Illinois Association of Vocational Agriculture Teachers for nominating me for this award. It has been exciting to be a part of this new program and the innovation that has come along with that.”

One of the areas of innovation that Griffith is excited about is the College’s new Agribusiness degree that was recently approved and will begin classes in the Fall 21 semester.

“We are excited about the new Associate in Applied Science Degree that has been approved in Agribusiness management and all of the options that it gives students,” said Griffith. “This degree offers a lot of flexibility for students. For example, those interested in working directly on a farm may want to focus on mechanical skills like welding or hydraulics. In contrast, another student that wants to work on the business side may take marketing or business management classes.

The Illinois Association for Career and Technical Education comprises eight affiliates representing all areas of career and technical education.  The organization’s goals include provisions for quality career and technical education, in-service opportunities, and program improvement for Illinois’ career and technical educators, administrators, and guidance counselors. As the Illinois winner, Griffith will have a chance to be chosen from other mid-west winners at the Region 3 conference in Minnesota later this summer for an opportunity to be named the National Teacher of the Year.

Individuals interested in the Agriculture Program at John A. Logan College can Contact Dr. Wayne Griffith at 618-985-2828, Ext. 8055 or at waynegriffith@jalc.edu. Registration for summer and fall classes is currently underway at the College, and information on Agriculture and other programs can be found at www.jalc.edu.