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Poshard Foundation Announcing 30 Grant Awards to Southern Illinois Agencies

Published on April 29, 2021

Carterville, ILAs part of Child Abuse Prevention Month, Jo Poshard, Director of The Poshard Foundation for Abused Children, announced grants for over $100,000 to be distributed to 30 agencies in direct support of abused children.

A total of 30 grants has been given to Southern Illinois agencies to be used specifically for services directly dealing with abused, abandoned, and neglected children in our region.  Those organizations are:

Jo Poshard noted, “April is state and national Child Abuse Prevention Month. Our Foundation distributes these grants in April to draw attention to the plight of abused children in Southern Illinois. Abuse doesn’t stop in times of a pandemic; it often means that we aren’t hearing about it, and our mandated reporters, such as teachers, are not seeing it because many children are learning remotely.  DCFS needs family members and neighbors now more than ever to report their suspicions to the Hotline at 800-25-ABUSE.”

Glenn and Jo Poshard, co-founders of the Poshard Foundation which is housed at John A. Logan College, believe every child deserves a safe person, a safe place, and a safe community. Unfortunately, that is not the reality for many of our children in Southern Illinois. The abused, neglected, and abandoned ones are those the Poshard Foundation seeks to help.  Whether it is by providing counseling, cribs, therapeutic camps, supplies for college-bound foster children, or training for the prevention of violence against children, the Foundation strives to make a difference in young lives.