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ICCTA Executive Director Presents JALC’s Rendleman with Trustee Education Award

Published on June 23, 2021

Executive Director of the Illinois Community College Trustees Associaton Jim Reed presents JALC Trustee Jacob “Jake” Rendleman with the Linden A. Warfel Trustee Education Award

The Executive Director of the Illinois Community College Trustees Associaton made a surprise visit to the June meeting of the John A. Logan College Board of Trustees to present JALC Trustee Jacob “Jake” Rendleman with the Linden A. Warfel Trustee Education Award.  Rendleman is only the seventh trustee to win the award given to community college trustees that have participated in 100 or more educational seminars offered by the Trustees Association. In addition to the Education Award, Reed read House Resolution 45 initiated by Parkland College Trustee and Assistant Minority Leader in the Illinois House of Representatives, Tom Bennett honoring Rendleman for his years of public service.