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JALC to Hold Saturday Signup Day January 8

Published on December 22, 2021

John A. Logan College officials have announced plans to hold a Saturday Signup Day on January 8 from 9 to Noon. College staff will be available to register students and assist with financial aid and other student services.

According to John A. Logan College Provost, Dr. Melanie Pecord, staff at the College have worked to build on the success of a similar event before the fall semester.

“We were very pleased with the turnout at our Saturday Signup Day before the start of the fall semester,” said Pecord. “Our staff has built on that event to offer a day that helps working adults that may not have an opportunity to visit the College during regular hours get registered for the spring.

Pecord added that new students could help expedite the event by visiting the College website at www.jalc.edu and filling in some information before Saturday.

“We encourage new students to go ahead and fill out the Application for Admissions and fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA),” said Pecord. “Also, if a student has any transcripts from a previously attended college or university, that will help, but is not necessary for Saturday.”

Walk-ins are welcome, or students can pre-register for the Saturday Signup Event at www.jalc.edu/saturdaysignup.  Contact the Advisement Office at 985-2828, Ext 8070. John A. Logan College will be closed December 24-January 2, and the College will open for normal operations on Monday, January 3, 2022. Spring semester classes begin on Monday, January 10, and late walk-in registration will be January 6-13.