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John A. Logan College Sets Dates for Graduation and Nurse Pinning Ceremonies

Published on February 10, 2022

John A. Logan College officials have announced plans to hold an in-person graduation ceremony on Wednesday, May 11, 2022, at 7 PM. In addition, the ADN Nurse Pinning Ceremony will be held at 6 PM on May 10, and the LPN Pinning Ceremony will be held at 3 PM on Wednesday, May 11. All ceremonies will be held at the Pavilion in Marion.

The Pavilion, located at 1602 Sioux Drive in Marion, is a 40,000 square foot facility that will provide adequate spacing for graduates and guests. Potential construction and current COVID mandates have required the College to hold commencement exercises off-campus for the past two years.

“In 2021, we were adamant that we wanted to hold an in-person graduation,” said President Dr. Kirk Overstreet. “Last year, we held our ceremonies outdoors at the Du Quoin State Fairgrounds, and we were very pleased with the venue. Unfortunately, the Grandstand at the Fairgrounds is undergoing renovations, and there is a possibility that those renovations will not be completed by our graduation date.”

Overstreet added that the Pavilion provides the College the space required to have one graduation ceremony.

“We have a wonderful gym and convocation center on campus, but current spacing requirements would make it impossible to hold one graduation ceremony,” said Overstreet. “At the Pavilion, we have enough space to give our graduates the type of ceremony and the recognition they deserve for all of their hard work.”

The Deadline to apply for graduation and be included in the Graduation Program is Friday, March 18, 2022. All students must complete a graduation application and survey to receive their degree(s). Students who plan to participate in the ceremony should note that on the application. The graduation application and survey, as well as cap and gown ordering instructions, can be accessed at https://www.jalc.edu/admissions/apply-for-graduation/. For questions or concerns, contact the Admissions and Records office at 618-985-2828, Ext. 8298.