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Fast Track Classes Available at JALC

Published on August 24, 2023

John A. Logan College faculty and staff have worked to expand course offerings to better assist students who cannot take traditional 16-week classes due to work or other obligations.  The College has begun offering a Fast Tracks option with 12, 8, and 4-week classes. The classes are popular general studies courses and are offered both online and hybrid.

“We are really excited to offer these classes to our students,” said Provost Dr. Stephanie Chaney Hartford. “We recognized that for many of our students, the biggest roadblock to completion was the time commitment, and this allows students more flexibility.”

The fall semester began on August 16 with some eight- and four-week classes underway. Twelve-week classes in Art, English, Biology, Speech, and World Civilization begin on September 11. Eight-week English, Psychology, Music, Literature, and Sociology classes begin on October 10. Additional four-week classes in English (September 18), Art Appreciation (October 16), and Psychology (November 13) are also scheduled.

Hartford added that the College will again offer two Winter Sessions classes beginning on December 11 and ending on January 5.

“We piloted this program last winter and both classes were very successful with full enrollment,” said Hartford. “So we will again offer American Government and Intro to Literature as four-week online classes.  These classes are a great opportunity for our students, or students home on winter break to complete six hours in between the fall and spring semester.”

Interested students can email registration@jalc.edu, or call 618-985-2828, ext. 870 for more information.

Two John A. Logan College forms with pen sitting on top of them.