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JALC Nursing Department to Host Not-So-Scary Trick or Treat on October 21

Published on October 16, 2023

The John A. Logan College Nursing Club will host a Trick or Treat event at the College’s main campus in Carterville on Saturday, October 21, from 1 PM to 3 PM, starting at the West Main Entrance near the McCabe Bell Tower. The event is free and open to the public.

According to Dr. Kristin Yosanovich, Dean of Health Sciences and Director of Nursing, the event is driven by donations from the community.

“We continue to accept any small, pre-packaged treat, candy, or small trinkets to be passed out to the children through October 20,” said Yosanovich. “Donations can be dropped off in the Nursing Department (G-220), or individuals can call 618-985-2828, ext. 8498, to arrange pick up or drop off.”

Yosanovich added that this service-learning event is very special to the department and is a great opportunity to see the College’s Nursing students in action serving the community.

All Children are welcome to the Not-So-Scary event. Games, activities, and a Pumpkin Plunge sponsored by Logan Fitness are scheduled in addition to trick or treating. For more information, contact the John A. Logan College Nursing Department at 618-985-2828, ext. 8498.