Academic Advisement
The Academic Advisement Office provides a variety of enrollment services including assistance with registering for classes, schedule changes, waitlist options, dropping or withdrawing from courses, and helping select or change majors.
Academic Advisors are available to assist students with course registration after a student has completed steps 1-6 on Register for Classes.
Advisors are selected for you from your major area of interest as indicated on your admissions application. All advisors exhibit an open-door policy and will provide a friendly, open environment that will foster self-exploration, self-awareness, and self-evaluation. Advisors will help students focus on semester-by-semester plans as well as long-term transfer and career plans.
It is the student’s responsibility to share information regarding interests, education, and career plans to ensure your advisor can give you the most accurate information pertaining to your goals. Students must be active participants in advising sessions and be prepared for meetings as well as familiar with college deadlines and the Student Handbook.
Students are encouraged to register early to select a course schedule that fits their needs and explore program and degree options and course offerings prior to their advisement appointment. You can find your advisor and schedule an appointment by visiting Register for Classes.
Request for Credit Hour Overload
Registration for more than 18 semester credit hours during fall and spring semesters and 10 semester credit hours during the summer term must be approved by the Manager of Advising & Student Transitions. Students who have completed at least 12 credit hours with a grade point average of 3.0 or better are considered for such approval. The student must meet with their Academic Advisor to complete the Request for Course Overload Form. An email will be sent to the student’s Volmail regarding the final decision.
Career Exploration
Kuder Journey is an internet-based career guidance system available at Career Services. It offers a comprehensive approach to career exploration, planning, and development. It will assist those who are undecided in their major. The program will help you make decisions and select a career, thus saving you time and expense during your educational experience. In addition, we offer personal interviews to help clarify students’ goals and objectives.
Disability Support Services
The Disability Support Services program is committed to providing support to John A. Logan College students who meet the requirements of a person with a disability according to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and ADA Amendments Act of 2008. Our hope is that support services and an individualized approach will provide students with the needed resources to help make their experience at John A. Logan College a successful one.
A prerequisite is a listed course or other enrollment criteria that must be satisfied prior to registration. Before registering for any course with a listed prerequisite, students are expected to have met prerequisite requirement(s) or currently be enrolled in the prerequisite course. John A. Logan requires placement testing, ACT, or SAT scores prior to registering for a math or English course. For more information, visit Required Placement Testing.
Developmental Coursework
Developmental coursework refers to classes designed to help students build foundational skills necessary for success in college-level courses. These courses are aimed at students who are not yet prepared for the academic rigor of credit-bearing courses due to gaps in their knowledge or skills. Developmental courses do not usually count toward a degree or graduation credits but are essential for ensuring that students are academically ready for the courses that will. They are often offered at the beginning of a student’s academic journey, serving as a bridge to higher-level coursework.