Suggested Readings on General John A. Logan
Cottingham, Carl D., et al. Life and Times of General John A. Logan.
Carbondale, IL. Kestrel Press, 1989.
This booklet tells General Logan’s story in an historical time-line with many excellent pictures. It is still in print and available from American Resources Group in Carbondale, IL.
Dawson, George Francis. The Life and Services of General John A. Logan as Soldier and Statesman.
Chicago and New York: Belford, Clarke Co., 1887.
This is generally regarded as the best of the campaign biographies. Logan’s wife, Mary asked Mr. Dawson to write the book. It, of course, tends to glorify the General’s life, but it does include valuable information.
Eidson, William Gene. John A. Logan: Hero of the Volunteers.
Ph.D. dissertation, Vanderbilt University, 1967.
Jones, James P. “Black Jack:” John A. Logan and Southern Illinois in the Civil War Era.
Tallahassee: Florida State University Press, 1967.
Good objective biography of Logan up through 1865. Out-of-print, but it should be available in libraries. It is now available as a reprint through the Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, IL.
Jones, James P. John A. Logan: Stalwart Republican.
Tallahassee: Florida State University Press, 1982.
Dr. Jones continued his study of General Logan to include his years in the House and Senate. Out-of-Print, but available in public and academic libraries in Illinois.
Kent, Gary W. Evolution of Change: The Ideological Migration of John A. Logan During the Civil War Era, as Evidenced in His Public Speaking.
Doctoral Dissertation, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, IL, 1989.
Logan, John A. The Great Conspiracy, Its Origin and History.
New York: A.R. Hart, 1886.
Logan, John A. “National Aid to Public Schools” North American Review
136(1883): 337-44.
This gives the complete text of Logan’s speech proposing federal aid to schools. It is very insightful and far ahead of its time.
Logan, John A. The Volunteer Soldier of America.
Chicago and New York: R.S. Peale Co., 1887.
Logan, Mary S. C. Reminiscences of a Soldier’s Wife.
New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1913.
Mary, General Logan’s wife, was a keen observer of politics and the events of history of which she was a part. This is an excellent look at the Civil War and the reconstruction era from a woman’s perspective.
Logan, Mary S. C. Thirty Years in Washington.
Hartford, Connecticut: A.D. Worthington & Co., 1901.
Wallace, Joseph. “A Biography of John A. Logan.”
Manuscript, Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield.