Bursar’s Office

Bursar’s Office

Apr 18
Good Friday Holiday-No Classes
May 26
Memorial Day Holiday-No Classes
Jun 19
Juneteenth Holiday-No Classes
Jul 3
4th of July-No Classes
Sep 1
Labor Day Holiday-No Classes

Bursar’s Office

Student at Bursar's Office window

The Bursar’s Office is responsible for the collection of all fees owed to the College.

We strive to:

  • Provide accurate and timely financial information
  • Ensure that payments and credits are properly recorded
  • Serve all people with courtesy, fairness, and respect
  • Minimize uncollectible accounts
  • Adhere to regulatory requirements regarding payments and refunds
  • Implement payment polices that are reasonable and fair

Contact the Bursar’s Office

Office: C213
Phone: (618) 985-2828 Ext. 8201
Email: bursar@jalc.edu

Cashier Hours

Tuition PaymentsMonday – Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Other DepositsMonday – Friday 8:00 am to 3:30 pm

Click here for additional Bursar’s Office contact information.