FAQ’s and Helpful Resource Links
Below are some frequently asked questions (FAQs). If you have a question or comment please e-mail us at jalcpolice@jalc.edu. We will post answers on our web site and/or reply confidently. While we will try to answer all questions to the best of our ability, we are not a legal service. Please ask questions about our department, the College and its policies, or general safety tips. We appreciate all comments, which provide feedback on how our department can better serve and protect the growing population at John A. Logan College.
Q. Can your department help me with troubles like a dead battery?
A. Yes, the Campus Police officers can jump start your vehicle.
Q. What about other vehicle problems such as changing a flat tire?
A. No, campus police officers cannot help with changing tires or other vehicle problems, but we will be happy to help you locate towing or other services by phone.
Q. I have late classes and feel uncomfortable walking to my car late at night; does your department do escorts?
A. Yes, our department will be more than happy to escort students, employees, or visitors on campus at any time.
Q. Are you considered security or police?
A. Our department is made up of both police and security personnel. Police officers are armed and have full authority under the state of Illinois.
Helpful Resources