Annual Job Fair
2025 Job Fair Employer List
The John A. Logan College Career Services office hosts an annual job fair during each spring semester. This event is designed to benefit local, regional, and national employers who are interested in attracting a qualified work force. The job fair has proven to be the finest of its kind among colleges in southern Illinois because it attracts such a cross section of people searching for specific career opportunities. Although a primary objective is to assist John A. Logan graduates in their quest for permanent employment, we open our doors to Southern Illinois University students as well as the general population in southern Illinois, especially the citizens within the John A. Logan College District. This has proven to be extremely beneficial to the various business and industry exhibitors and provides them a much greater opportunity of finding quality employees. We reserve only a certain number of spaces for participating businesses. If you would like further information about becoming an active participant, simply contact Career Services.
All facets of the John A. Logan College Career Services office are offered year-round at no charge to our students, former students, graduates, and to the many employers who have established a working and professional relationship with us.
The job fair will be held on March 26, 2025 from 9:00am-1:00pm in the Donald L. Brewer Gymnasium and Convocation Center. For more information, please contact Career Services.