Career Development and Planning
The Career Development program assists students in effectively realizing their career plans. This is achieved by computerized testing and personal interviews. Students receive help in clarifying goals and objectives that are related to their life and work values, abilities, needs, and interests. The center recognizes that making realistic career choices and adaptations to job market demands and/or changing lifestyles are important to successful career development.
Kuder Journey – Internet-based Assisted Career Guidance
An internet-based career guidance system is available to students at John A. Logan College. It offers a comprehensive approach to career exploration, planning, and development. “Journey” will assist those who want to make a start in career planning, but are undecided. The program will help you make decisions and select a career, thus saving you time and expense during your educational experience.
Illinois Career Information Systems (CIS)
Illinois CIS continuously gathers information on occupations at the national, state, and local level. The major kinds of work found in Illinois and the United States are described in over 500 occupational descriptions. Illinois Career Information Systems (CIS) occupational information is written for people who are exploring careers. The purpose is to help you suit your preference, interests and abilities by answering questions such as these: What are the job duties? What are the working conditions? What aptitudes are necessary and what are the physical demands? This information will not tell you what to do. You can use it to make your own decisions.
The O*NET system serves as the nation’s primary source of occupational information, providing comprehensive information on key attributes and characteristics of workers and occupations. Users may link to the more than 900 occupations described by the O*NET database. O*NET contains a set of self-directed career exploration/assessment tools to assist students who are exploring the school-to-work transition. They also help workers consider and plan career options, preparation, and transitions.
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