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John A. Logan College Announces Fall 2022 President’s and Provost’s List

Each semester any full-time student with a 4.0 grade-point average earns recognition on the President’s List. Any full-time student with a grade-point average between 3.55 and 3.99 earns recognition on the Provost’s List.

Elaine Melby Receives JALC Foundation Legacy Award

Elaine Melby was honored with the John A. Logan College Foundation Legacy Award at the Annual Meeting this week.  Melby served on the Foundation board for 30 years, chaired countless committees, and served as President of the Foundation two times.  As President, she organized and led the Foundation’s capital campaign in the 1990s.  Elaine has […]

Department of Marketing, Public Relations, and Communications Receives Top Prize at Regional Competition

On September 28, the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations held the annual District 3 Medallion Awards Ceremony in Chicago. District 3 comprises all community and technical colleges in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ontario, Canada. The Medallion Awards recognize the top achievements in community college advertising, public relations, and communications. The 2022 […]

JALC Holds Fifty-Fourth Honors Night

John A. Logan College recently held the Fifty-Fourth Honors Night, honoring top students from various programs.

JALC Announces Spring 2022 President’s and Provost’s List

Each semester any full-time student who has a 4.0 grade-point average earns recognition on the President’s list. Any full-time student who has a grade-point average between 3.55 and 3.99 earns recognition on the Provost’s list. The following students were named to the Spring 2022 President’s List:  Ava: Mattie M. Woolf, Jarrett T. Jones Bartelso: Brynne E. […]

Sean East Becomes the Second JALC Men’s Basketball Player to be Named Player of the Year

Sean East has been named the 2021-22 NJCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Player of the Year. The sophomore averaged 20.9 points, 4.3 rebounds, and 5.7 assists this season. “Sean is an outstanding basketball player, but an even better person,” said head coach Kyle Smithpeters. “His work ethic is the best I have coached.” East helped […]

John A. Logan College Announces Fall 2021 President’s and Provost’s List

Each semester any full-time student who has a 4.0 grade-point average earns recognition on the President’s list. Any full-time student who has a grade-point average between 3.55 and 3.99 earns recognition on the Provost’s list. The following students were named to the Fall 2021President’s List: President’s List Fall 2021 Ava: Lydia Dillow, Wyatt Popejoy, Mattie […]

Poshard Foundation donating $50,000 to Resilient Southern Illinois

CARTERVILLE – The Poshard Foundation announced Wednesday it will donate $50,000 to Resilient Southern Illinois (RSI), which works to improve academic, health and social outcomes for children in 15 school districts, fostering trauma-responsive schools and effective family, school, health and community partnerships.  “So many children in Southern Illinois have experienced trauma in their young lives. […]

JALC Men’s Golf Coach Tom Ferris to Be Inducted into Golf Coaches Association of America Hall of Fame

In the world of colligate golf, there are few things that John A. Logan College Men’s Golf Coach Tom Ferris has not accomplished. Earlier this month, it was announced that Ferris would add to his long list of accomplishments when he is inducted into the Golf Coaches Association of America Hall of Fame, the highest […]

JALC’s Tanner Awarded the Illinois Business Education Association Distinguished Service Award

John A. Logan College Business Professor Dr. Jason Tanner has been awarded the Illinois Business Education Association Distinguished Service Award.  To be eligible for the award, an educator must have shown exceptional service to the Illinois Business Education Association and an ongoing commitment to business education, along with a minimum of 15 years of classroom […]