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Board of Trustees News Articles

On Solid Ground: John A. Logan College Receives Clean Financial Audit Report from Kemper Group

The Kemper Group of Marion has delivered a clean financial audit report to the Board of Trustees of John A. Logan College.

JALC Board of Trustees Unanimously Approves Balanced Budget

At its June meeting, the John A. Logan College Board of Trustees unanimously approved a balanced fiscal year 2024-2025 budget.

Two Book Signings this Week

The College will host two book signings this week. The first will feature Board of Trustees Member Dr. Glenn Poshard on Wednesday, September 13, at 2 p.m. in the Administration Board Room.  Dr. Poshard will read from his recently published biography Son of Southern Illinois: Glenn Poshard’s Life in Politics and Education. The event is free and open […]

Glenn Poshard to Hold Book Signing at John A. Logan College on September 13

JALC will host a book signing and reading by Dr. Glenn Poshard of his recently published biography Son of Southern Illinois: Glenn Poshard’s Life in Politics and Education at 2 p.m. on Thursday, September 13, in the Administration Board Room.

Charlie Jones Named Head Women’s Basketball Coach at JALC

The John A. Logan College Board of Trustees unanimously named Charlie Jones the College’s new Head Women’s Basketball Coach. Jones becomes only the fourth head coach in program history, replacing Amanda Shelby, who accepted another position at the College.

JALC Student Trustee Jeremiah Brown Changed His Life and Now Wants to Help Others

Robert Frost’s famous poem, The Road Not Taken, describes the choice between two paths. The traveler in the poem chooses the least traveled path and says it made all the difference. The story could describe the life of John A. Logan College Student Trustee Jeremiah Brown, who had to either stay on the path his life was on or choose a new direction.

Carolyn Rendleman, Wife of Longtime JALC Board Member, Jake Rendleman has Passed Away

Carolyn Rendleman, the wife of longtime John A. Logan College Board of Trustee Member Jake Rendleman, passed away on Monday, September 27, 2021, after a long illness.

ICCTA Executive Director Presents JALC’s Rendleman with Trustee Education Award

The Executive Director of the Illinois Community College Trustees Associaton made a surprise visit to the June meeting of the John A. Logan College Board of Trustees to present JALC Trustee Jacob “Jake” Rendleman with the Linden A. Warfel Trustee Education Award.  Rendleman is only the seventh trustee to win the award given to community […]

Notice of Regular Meeting of the John A. Logan College Board of Trustees

William J. Kilquist, Chair of the John A. Logan College Board of Trustees, has announced the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 530, will be held at 6:00 p.m., TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2021, in the Hancock Conference Center on the College’s Carterville, Illinois, campus. The meeting of the Board of […]

JALC to Hold Jacob “Jake” Rendleman Laboratory Dedication on March 11

A dedication ceremony for the Jacob “Jake” Rendleman Laboratory has been scheduled for Thursday, March 11 at 7:30 PM in the Workforce Education and Construction Management Building on the Carterville campus of John A. Logan College.  Due to COVID restrictions, the event is not open to the public but will be carried live on the […]