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John A. Logan College Announces Fall 2022 President’s and Provost’s List

Each semester any full-time student with a 4.0 grade-point average earns recognition on the President’s List. Any full-time student with a grade-point average between 3.55 and 3.99 earns recognition on the Provost’s List.

John A. Logan College Looks to Build on Momentum in New Year

John A. Logan College staff started their New Year’s resolutions early. This past July, JALC President Dr. Kirk Overstreet held a retreat for his senior administrators. The two-day meeting resulted in the developing of the College’s five-year strategic plan.  Cabinet members developed strategies and tactics for their departments that are reported quarterly. “We sat down […]

John A. Logan College Highway Construction Program to Hold Graduation at the Playground They Helped to Construct

On Thursday, November 10, the John A. Logan Highway Construction Program will hold a graduation for 11 students that have completed the 12-week program. The graduation will occur at the Spillertown Community Center, 102 Community Dr. in Marion.

JALC to Host STEM Day October 14

John A. Logan College will host a STEM Day for area high school students on Friday, October 14 from 9 AM to 1:30 PM. Highlights of the event include an Engineering Challenge where students compete to see who can design the tallest paper tower at 9:30 AM and a rocket launch by the JALC STEM […]

Early Childhood Education Program to be Offered Online to Accommodate Working Students, Scholarships Available

All Early Childhood Education (ECE) courses will be offered online, except for practicum/lab courses, to accommodate working and long-distance students beginning in the spring semester. Four online courses will be delivered in an 8-week block format to further accelerate the program. Students enrolling in an ECE block course must be currently working in an early […]

New Food Locker at JALC Helps Students Facing Food Insecurity

To help students facing food insecurities, John A. Logan College has converted a former office, Room C 200C in the Student Services Wing, into a new Food Locker. The Food Locker is a free service to students that provides nutritious on-the-go snacks for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with no questions asked.

JALC to Offer Special Saturday Sign-up and Welcome Week Activities

The fall semester at John A. Logan College is set to begin on Wednesday, August 17. Registration is currently underway, and late walk-in registration starts on August 15. The College will offer a Saturday Sign-up on August 13 from 9 AM to Noon. The event is designed to help working adults and individuals that cannot […]

JALC Student Trustee Jeremiah Brown Changed His Life and Now Wants to Help Others

Robert Frost’s famous poem, The Road Not Taken, describes the choice between two paths. The traveler in the poem chooses the least traveled path and says it made all the difference. The story could describe the life of John A. Logan College Student Trustee Jeremiah Brown, who had to either stay on the path his life was on or choose a new direction.

JALC Holds Fifty-Fourth Honors Night

John A. Logan College recently held the Fifty-Fourth Honors Night, honoring top students from various programs.

JALC Announces Spring 2022 President’s and Provost’s List

Each semester any full-time student who has a 4.0 grade-point average earns recognition on the President’s list. Any full-time student who has a grade-point average between 3.55 and 3.99 earns recognition on the Provost’s list. The following students were named to the Spring 2022 President’s List:  Ava: Mattie M. Woolf, Jarrett T. Jones Bartelso: Brynne E. […]