Social Science Programs
Program Guides and Course Descriptions will open as PDFs.
Students can pursue three different education degrees at JALC. The Associate of Arts in Education (Art, Business, English, History, Music, Physical) prepares students to transfer as middle and high school education majors to a four-year institution having completed a program of study that combines education courses and discipline-specific coursework. The Associate of Arts in Elementary Education or Special Education prepares students to transfer as education majors to a four-year institution having completed coursework specific to one of those populations.
Course Descriptions for Education
Advisor for Education: See advisor page
Students can pursue two different history degrees at JALC. The Associate of Arts in History prepares students to transfer as History majors to a four-year institution having completed a variety of courses in American and World History. The Associate of Arts in History Education prepares students to transfer as Education majors to a four-year institution having completed numerous history classes along with a complement of education courses.
Course Descriptions for History
Advisor for History: See advisor page
International Studies
The Associate of Arts in International Studies prepares students to transfer to a four-year institution having completed an interdisciplinary course of study including a focus on foreign languages and social sciences.
Program Guide for International Studies
Advisor for International Studies: See advisor page
Political Science
The Associate of Arts in Political Science prepares students to transfer as Political Science majors to a four-year institution having completed a variety of courses including American Government, State and Local Government, International Relations, and/or Law and Society.
Program Guide for Political Science
Course Descriptions for Political Science
Advisor for Political Science: See advisor page
The Associate of Arts in Psychology prepares students to transfer as Psychology majors to a four-year institution having completed a variety of courses including General Psychology, Social Psychology, Child and Adolescent Psychology, and/or Abnormal Psychology.
Program Guide for Psychology
Course Descriptions for Psychology
Advisor for Psychology: See advisor page
Social Work
The Associate of Arts in Social Work prepares students to transfer as Social Work majors to a four-year institution having completed a variety of courses including Introduction to Social Work, Anthropology, and other Sociology courses.
Program Guide for Social Work
Course Descriptions for Social Work
Advisor for Social Work: See advisor page
The Associate of Arts in Sociology prepares students to transfer as Sociology majors to a four-year institution having completed a variety of courses including Principles of Sociology, Race and Ethnicity, Marriage and the Family, and/or Social Problems.
Program Guide for Sociology
Course Descriptions for Sociology
Advisor for Social Work: See advisor page