Computer Information Systems – Certificate


Computer Information Systems

Certificate of Achievement

Develop your skills to leverage technology used in business or organizations. With this certificate, students can plan, coordinate, and direct computer-related activities in an organization.

What You Can Do

Analyze organizational computer needs and recommend possible upgrades, plan and direct the installation and maintenance of computer hardware and software, ensure the security of an organization’s network and electronic documents, and determine long-term and short-term personnel needs for departments.


  • Information Technology Specialist
  • Network Systems Operator
  • Software Developer
  • Quality Assurance

Earning Potential

Example: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Computer and Information Technology Information, at

Modes of Instruction
Learn more about the modes of instruction offered at John A. Logan College.

Program Details

CIS 0401


ORI 100College 1011
CIS 200Network Essentials3
CIS 206Managing Network Environment I3
OFT 207Computer Application in Business3
ENG 101English Composition I 1 OR
ENG 113 Professional Technical Writing 1
MAT 120Elementary Statistics OR MAT 119
OR BUS 111 Business Mathematics


ACC 100Business Accounting OR ACC 200 Financial Accounting I3
OFT 104Spreadsheet Design3
OFT 120Database Management3
CIS 208Security Awareness3
CIS 209Introduction to Cybercrimes3
CIS 230Operating Systems3

Total Hours for Degree34
  1. Requires a grade of “C” or higher. ↩︎

The Computer Information Systems Certificate is a minimum of 34 credit hours. Please use our Tuition and Fees page to calculate your approximate cost.

*Students will be responsible for additional classroom materials and tools.

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John A Logan College is accredited through the Higher Learning Commission. For more information on programs with specialized accreditations please visit Programs with Specialized Accreditations – John A. Logan College (

John A Logan offers a seamless transfer to the next step in your educational journey for many of our programs. Our academic programs prepare you for what you will need to transfer to a four-year college or university. When you have selected the college where you would like to transfer, it is important to review their specific admission and course requirements. John A Logan College has many articulation agreements with various colleges.

Transfer Planning – John A. Logan College (

  1. Design and implement a wired and wireless network
  2. Secure devices within wired and wireless networks
  3. Understanding and complying with applicable federal, state, and local statues
  4. Use scripting languages for system management and automation
  5. Managing and maintaining current Operating Systems

Computer Information Systems Faculty Contact

Roger Jeter

Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems

Roger Jeter

Phone: (618) 985-2828 Ext. 8179
Office: B75 A