Criminal Justice – AAS Degree


Criminal Justice

Associate in Applied Science

The Criminal Justice program at John A. Logan College prepares students for a rewarding career with local, county, state, or federal law enforcement agencies, correctional institutions, and other criminal justice agencies such as probation and parole. The Criminal Justice program also prepares students for transfer to many universities in the field of criminal justice or administration of justice.

Students can work toward positions in law enforcement at local, state, federal, natural resource, administrative agencies, in courts–security, administration, probation, corrections at the local, state, federal, parole, juvenile justice, and many more. Our Criminal Justice courses are taught by practitioners who have dedicated their lives to serving and protecting their communities. Our instructors prepare students for a variety of careers in the Criminal Justice field.

Students who complete the Criminal Justice AAS degree are on track for careers in policing, the courts, corrections, and private security as well as transfer and maximum education with baccalaureate programs. Please refer to the Transfer Planning webpage for more information.

What You Can Do


  • Positions in Law Enforcement
  • Administrative Agencies (local, state, federal, natural resource)
  • Courts (security, administration, probation)
  • Corrections (local, state, federal, parole)
  • Juvenille Justice (law enforcement, probation, corrections)
  • Private Security (loss prevention, asset protection, investigations, human resources)

Earning Potential

Example: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, at Police and Detectives : Occupational Outlook Handbook: : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (

Modes of Instruction
Learn more about the modes of instruction offered at John A. Logan College.

Program Details

CRJ 0550

View Program Guide for Criminal Justice AAS


ORI 100College 1011
ALH 101Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation1
CRJ 103Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CRJ 105Criminal Behavior3
ENG 113 Professional Technical Writing 13
PSC 131American Government3
ELECTIVEAny IAI Science Elective3


CRJ 203Introduction to Security3
CRJ 205Investigation Techniques3
LIT 284Ethnic Literature in America OR
HIS 101 Western Civilization I
MAT 113Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics OR MAT 112 OR MAT 115 Applied Mathematics 23
PSY 132General Psychology3


COM 115Speech3


CRJ 115Policing OR INT 101 33
CRJ 209Criminal Law3
CRJ 218Introduction to Corrections OR INT 10133
CRJ 223Juvenile Justice3
SPN 101Elementary Spanish I OR ASL 1414
CRJ 207Ethics in Criminal Justice3


CIS 207Computer Applications for Business OR
CIS 209 Introduction to Cybercrimes 4
CRJ 219Criminal Procedure3
CRJ 220Probation, Parole, and Community-Based Corrections3
CRJ 221Police Administration3
SPN 102Elementary Spanish II OR ASL 1424

Total Hours for Degree64

Track One – Policing Required Electives

  • CRJ 115 Policing, OR INT 101
  • CRJ 221 Police Administration

Track Two – Corrections Required Electives

  • CRJ 218 Introduction to Corrections, OR INT 101
  • CRJ 220 Probation, Parole, and Community-Based Corrections

Notes and Information

  1. Requires a grade of “C” or higher. ↩︎
  2. Or any higher math course. ↩︎
  3. INT 101 requires the completion of 225 clock hours. ↩︎
  4. Spring only. ↩︎

All core courses (CRJ) must be completed with a “C” or higher.

The Criminal Justice Program is a minimum of 64 credit hours. Please use our Tuition and Fees page to calculate your approximate cost.

*Students will be responsible for additional classroom materials and tools.

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John A Logan College is accredited through the Higher Learning Commission. For more information on programs with specialized accreditations please visit Programs with Specialized Accreditations – John A. Logan College (

John A Logan offers a seamless transfer to the next step in your educational journey for many of our programs. Our academic programs prepare you for what you will need to transfer to a four-year college or university. When you have selected the college where you would like to transfer, it is important to review their specific admission and course requirements. John A Logan College has many articulation agreements with various colleges.

Transfer Planning – John A. Logan College (

  1. Students will be prepared with the ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing using appropriate references and technology.
  2. Students will be able to identify issues of diversity and human rights in relation to the criminal justice system.
  3. Students will be able to employ critical thinking skills when evaluating issues in criminal justice.

Criminal Justice Faculty Contact

Brennan Stover

Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice

Brennan Stover

Phone: (618) 985-2828 Ext. 8027
Office: E111B