Center for Workforce Development

Center for Workforce Development

Apr 18
Good Friday Holiday-No Classes
May 26
Memorial Day Holiday-No Classes
Jun 19
Juneteenth Holiday-No Classes
Jul 3
4th of July-No Classes
Sep 1
Labor Day Holiday-No Classes

OSHA Trainings

Click on the course name to see the information, date, and location of each course.

Once you select the course, click on the enrollment link.

Participants must pre-register for each class. Walk-ins will not be allowed. 

Cancelations must be done 48 hours prior to the class. Those who don’t cancel or participate may not be allowed to register for future trainings. 

Course fee: Tuition waivers may be applied as according to board policy. There is a capacity for each course. JALC reserves the right to cancel or reschedule training sessions due to insufficient participation.

Struggling to get your employee exposed to OSHA standards?  Do you find it difficult to allow your workers two days away from the job to attend the OSHA 10-hour course?  John A. Logan has a solution that will minimize the time necessary to educate your workers on OSHA’s standards and help them see the value in working safely. 

This one-day course will cover topics such as:

  • Walking & Working Surfaces
  • Fall Protection
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Electrical Safety
  • Ergonomics
  • Hazard Communications
  • Emergency Action Plans
  • Material Handling
  • Machine Guarding
  • Bloodborne Pathogens

Courses will be held at John A. Logan College’s main campus and Extension Centers.  Course is FREE!  Pre-registration is required.