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Diversity Challenge


Enroll as a participant so we can have your email address or contact information.  We will then send prompts of different activities to you to engage with each day of the challenge.  Activities may range from podcasts to movies, articles, TED talks, books, e-books, documentaries, etc.

We challenge you to foster a community that embraces diversity, inclusion and equity here at JALC:

  • Attend one or several Diversity and Inclusion podcasts, TED Talks and webinars offered remotely through our diversity and inclusion resource bank.
  • Zoom meet or (Microsoft Team meet) with someone of a different background
  • Acknowledge someone that you see in a zoom meeting.
  • Attend JALC diversity events
  • Participate in the Diversity Challenge Programs
  • Use the tracking chart provided to stay on course and write your reflections for the Challenge
