Dual Credit / Early College

Dual Credit Accreditation

National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships

NACEP logo

The National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) is a professional organization for high schools and colleges that fosters and supports rigorous concurrent enrollment and advances quality college courses in the high schools. Established in 1999, in response to the dramatic increase in concurrent enrollment courses throughout the country, NACEP serves as the sole national accrediting body for concurrent enrollment and supports all members by providing standards of excellence, research, communication and advocacy. 
Read more about NACEP. 

John A. Logan College was accredited through NACEP in 2017 and is only one of two concurrent enrollment programs in Illinois. Its standards articulate best practices that hallmark exceptional, rigorous college programs.

Our NACEP accreditation ensures we adhere to the highest standards, so students experience a seamless transition to college and teachers benefit from meaningful, ongoing professional development. We are proud to be one of the133 programs accredited in the nation and serve the students and teachers of Illinois.