Dual Credit / Early College

Dual Credit Faculty and Team Leaders

Hello high school partners! We are excited to partner with you to give your students the opportunity to earn college credit while they are still in high school.

Prospective Instructors

If you have completed a master’s degree, have at least 18 master’s level credit hours in a specific subject area, or are at least 18 credit hours into completing your master’s degree in your area, then you are eligible to teach dual credit classes! Please contact our office at dualcredit@jalc.edu and send us your unofficial transcript so we can begin the review process.

Career and technical courses – as an instructor in a career field, we will need you to have a bachelor’s degree and at least 2,000 work hours in the subject area. To start the process, you will need to send your unofficial transcript and this work hours verification form to our office at dualcredit@jalc.edu for review.

What You Can Expect

As a dual credit instructor, you will work with a liaison in your subject area who will review your course on a rotation, at least once every three years. They will work with you to make sure your course maintains the level of rigor expected for a college course and answer any questions you may have. Our liaisons are your first point of contact about your content area, and we work hard to make sure our instructors have a wonderful experience working with their liaison.

You will also attend an annual Discipline Specific workshop that will give you the opportunity to collaborate with peers in your subject area to discuss relevant information to your field as well as information that is relevant for dual credit instructors.

Instructor Resources