Early Childhood Education Gateways ECE Level 3 – Certificate


Early Childhood Education – Gateways ECE Level 3

Certificate of Achievement

Students who complete this certificate program meet the requirements for the Gateways Level 3 ECE Credential. All coursework in this certificate program work toward the ECE Associate in Applied Science Degree.

What You Can Do

Individuals completing this certificate are better qualified to work as assistant teachers in childcare centers. These individuals are also better qualified to provide quality childcare in their homes.


  • Childcare Worker

Earning Potential

View the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook for Childcare Workers at Childcare Workers : Occupational Outlook Handbook: : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (bls.gov)

Modes of Instruction
Learn more about the modes of instruction offered at John A. Logan College.

Program Details

ECE 0008


ECE 151Health, Safety, and Nutrition3
ECE 160Child, Growth and Development3
ECE 161Early Childhood Practicum 1
ECE 260Child, Family & Community3
ECE 272Language & Literacy Development3


ECE 120Guiding Play and Learning3
ECE 265Early Childhood Curriculum3
ENG 101English Composition 3
PSY 132General Psychology3
MAT 108College Algebra OR MAT 120 Elementary Statistics
OR BUS 111 Business Math

Total Hours for Degree28

Notes and Information

Fall Only CoursesSpring Only Courses
ECE 151ECE 120
ECE 260ECE 265
ECE 272

Students who complete this certificate program meet the requirements for the Gateways Level 3 ECE Credential. All coursework in this certificate program work toward the ECE Associate in Applied Science Degree.

The Early Childhood Education – Gateways ECE Level 3 Certificate is a minimum of 28 credit hours. Please use our Tuition and Fees page to calculate your approximate cost.

*Students will be responsible for additional classroom materials and tools.

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John A Logan College is accredited through the Higher Learning Commission. For more information on programs with specialized accreditations please visit Programs with Specialized Accreditations – John A. Logan College (jalc.edu).

John A Logan offers a seamless transfer to the next step in your educational journey for many of our programs. Our academic programs prepare you for what you will need to transfer to a four-year college or university. When you have selected the college where you would like to transfer, it is important to review their specific admission and course requirements. John A Logan College has many articulation agreements with various colleges.

Transfer Planning – John A. Logan College (jalc.edu)

  1. ECE program graduates will be trained to work in a variety of child care settings that include maintaining a safe and healthy learning environment.
  2. ECE program graduates will be trained to work in a variety of child care settings that include providing experiences to promote physical, intellectual, social/emotional, and language/literacy development.
  3. ECE program graduates will be trained to work in a variety of child care settings that include assessing & documenting child’s progress.

Early Childhood Education Faculty Contact

Marilyn Toliver

Marilyn Toliver

Professor of Early Childhood Education

Email: marilyn.toliver@jalc.edu
Phone: (618) 985-2828 Ext. 8468
Office: G217