- Academic Advisement :
The Academic Advisement Office can assist with the enrollment process and much more.
- Academic Calendars :
John A. Logan College Academic Calendars.
- Academics :
Academic information and links.
- Accreditation :
Information about John A. Logan College's accreditation.
- Administrative Planning Documents :
Administrative Planning Documents for John A. Logan College.
- Admissions and Records :
The Admissions and Records office at John A. Logan College handles everything from applying to the College, evaluating transfer coursework, ordering JALC transcripts, and applying for graduation.
- Allied Health and Public Service :
The Allied Health & Public Service Department is broken into 3 areas; Allied Health, Public Service, and Southern Illinois Collegiate Common Market (SICCM).
- Applied Technologies :
The Applied Technologies Department offers Occupational Certificates and Associate in Applied Science Degrees designed to prepare students to enter the workforce.
- Assessment :
The faculty and staff of John A. Logan College are committed to providing students with opportunities to develop learning abilities that will last a lifetime.
- Board of Trustees :
John A. Logan College Board of Trustees information.
- Board Policies and Administrative Procedures :
The following policies and procedures are intended to provide overall guidance for the administration of John A. Logan College.
- Bookstore :
eCampus Online Bookstore – John A Logan College’s official bookstore for textbooks and course materials. For Ship-to-Campus Inquiries – See College Store.
- Bursar’s Office :
The Bursar's Office is responsible for the collection of all fees owed to the College.
- Business, Computer Science, and Mathematics :
Degree and certificate programs in the Department of Business, Computer Science, and Mathematics prepare students to enter the workforce or transfer to a four-year undergraduate program.
- Campus Police :
Here you will find news, alerts, and our ongoing crime log. This information is provided according to the Clery Act and is updated when crimes are reported.
- Campus Support Services :
We offer a variety of services including, USPS and Campus Mail Processing/Delivery, Full-Service Printing, Copying, Scanning, Binding, Laminating, Foam Core Mounting, Faculty/Staff/Student Print Ticket Technical Support, Graphic Design (for print), Homework Drop-off Services, Free Konica Cartridges, Desktop Printer Cartridge Orders, and Paper Orders/Delivery.
- Campuswide Committees and Task Forces :
Shared Governance - Campuswide Committees and Task Forces
- Career Services :
John A. Logan College provides services that are available to assist all students, graduates, and alumni.
- Center for Information Assurance :
Our intent is to provide access to resources that will prepare prospective students, enrolled students and alumni alike with current industry information.
- Center for Workforce Development :
The Center for Workforce Development is devoted to training the unemployed, underemployed, and currently employed who need to upgrade workplace skills.
- Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R) :
Child Care Resource & Referral provides many things including information, referrals, and financial assistance to families with child care costs.
- Clubs at JALC :
Learn about the clubs and groups at JALC.
- College Calendar :
With this calendar, you can switch between month view/list view, and filter what you want to see by checking or unchecking calendar categories. You can also display any additional information by clicking on the event name.
- College Catalog :
The current John A. Logan College Catalog as well as links to program guides, course descriptions and previous versions of the College Catalog.
- College Store :
The General Store – We are the on-campus general merchandise store selling JALC apparel, supplies, and other general merchandise. We are also the pickup location for all “Ship-to-Campus” orders placed through the JALC eCampus Online Bookstore.
- Communication, Humanities, and Social Science :
The Communication, Humanities, and Social Science Department prepares students to think clearly and critically so they can make informed decisions in their private and professional lives.
- Community Courses :
At John A. Logan we offer courses to the public through the Community Education, and Center for Workforce Development departments and Logan Fitness.
- Community Education :
Each semester the Community Education department makes available a comprehensive program of educational activities which are especially designed to meet the needs of all citizens in the community.
- Connect With Us :
Information about visiting or connecting with the College.
- Contact Us :
Contact information for John A. Logan College.
- Course Descriptions :
John A. Logan College course descriptions.
- Course Formats :
John A. Logan College’s top priority is to provide a quality education in a safe environment. Our goal is to provide a semester with a variety of formats to meet student needs.
- Course Schedule :
John A. Logan College course schedules.
- Department Directory :
Contact information for John A. Logan College.
- Desire2Learn (D2L) :
Desire2Learn (D2L) is the College's platform for online learning.
- Disability Support Services :
The Disability Support Services program is committed to providing support to John A. Logan College students who meet the requirements of a person with a disability according to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and ADA Amendments Act of 2008.
- Diversity and Inclusion :
The Diversity and Inclusion (D & I) Program at John A. Logan College provides academic and non-academic diversity and inclusion resources and programs.
- Dual Credit / Early College :
Information about Dual Credit and Early College.
- Employment at John A. Logan College :
John A. Logan College is committed to equal opportunity for all employees.
- Enrollment Management :
The Office of Enrollment Management helps facilitate the smooth transition to college by assisting students with all aspects of the college onboarding process.
- Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) Report 2024 :
Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) Report for John A. Logan College.
- Events and Conferences :
Our staff will be happy to assist you in scheduling the venue, furnishings, and media equipment to ensure a successful event.
- Extension Centers :
The John A. Logan College Extension Centers allow traditional and non-traditional students to pursue or continue their education because the students are able to attend classes that are close to home.
- Financial Aid :
The Financial Aid Office at John A. Logan College is committed to providing quality financial aid services to all eligible students.
- Find a Program :
All degree and certificate programs offered at John A. Logan College.
- Foundation :
The JALC Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not for profit corporation that provides financial support to the educational programs and services at John A. Logan College.
- Freedom of Information :
Freedom of information for John A. Logan College.
- General Information :
General information about John A. Logan College.
- Grants :
The Office of Grants and Program Initiatives supports efforts to improve education and student outcomes through external funding opportunities, in alignment with the College's Strategic Long Range Plan.
- I2P2 (Injury & Illness Prevention Program) :
Information for the Injury & Illness Prevention Program.
- Information Technology (IT) :
IT is responsible for providing and maintaining a wide range of technologies to support the operations of the College.
- Institutional Effectiveness & Research :
The primary purpose of the Office of Institutional Research is to advance the College’s Mission by supporting policy formulation, planning, and decision-making by producing reliable and effective data and information in as efficient and timely a manner as possible.
- Instruction/Adjunct Faculty :
The office of Instruction/Term Faculty assigns courses and mentors to all term faculty in our instructional departments.
- Instructional Departments :
Instructional departments at John A. Logan College.
- International Education :
John A. Logan College encourages students to explore the benefits of living and studying in a foreign culture. As a member of the Illinois Consortium for International Studies and Programs (ICISP), the College offers students a variety of study abroad opportunities.
- JALCAlert :
The new JALCAlert system is designed to enhance and improve communication so that all members of the John A. Logan campus community can stay informed in the event of campus events or an emergency.
- Learning Lab :
The learning lab offers services such as make-up exams arranged by the instructor, and test proctoring for other Colleges/Universities.
- Learning Resources Center (LRC) :
The Learning Resources Center supports John A. Logan College’s faculty, staff, and students with support for online learning; professional development through a Teaching and Learning Center; test proctoring and support through the Learning Lab; and support for technology and media at the Student Multimedia Center. The JALC Library is also part of the LRC and has a full range of library services for the College community.
- Library :
The John A. Logan College Library offers access to the Library Catalog, eBooks, databases, online videos, and more.
- Life and Physical Science :
Information about the Life and Physical Science Department and the programs within the department.
- Logan Academy and Mary Logan High School :
Information regarding GED preparation, alternative high school classes, community and family literacy, or volunteering to be a tutor.
- Logan Fitness :
Logan Fitness is provided to promote health and wellness to the community—come visit today!
- Maps and Locations :
Maps and Locations for John A. Logan College.
- Marketing, Public Relations, and Communications :
The John A. Logan College Marketing Public Relations and Communications Department is the College’s public relations agency. The department’s main goal is to communicate the message to the intended audience professionally, promptly, and cost-effectively.
- Mission :
"To enrich lives through learning and community engagement."
- Net Price Calculator :
Net Price Calculator for John A. Logan College.
- News Archives :
News archives.
- Nursing :
Nursing instructional department at John A. Logan College.
- Office of the President :
Kirk Overstreet, Ph.D., President of John A. Logan College
- Online Learning :
Information about online learning, Desire2Learn resources, and training opportunities.
- PATH – Pipeline for Advancement of The Healthcare Workforce :
The PATH grant is the Pipeline for Advancement of The Healthcare workforce. This grant was created in response to the healthcare shortage in order to decrease barriers or obstacles students may have keeping them from completing their degree path. We have an academic success coach, Sonya Vukadinovich, RNC-OB, BSN, C-EFM, and a social services coordinator, ...
- Perkins :
Perkins is a federal grant that supports students enrolled in Career and Technical Education programs.
- Program Guides – Degrees and Certificates :
John A. Logan College program guides - degrees and certificates.
- Programs of Study :
Opportunities to earn Dual Credit in high school while starting your career path.
- Purchasing Office :
John A. Logan College invites your organization to do business with us. All purchases are made following federal and state laws, regulations and guidelines as well as College Board Policy. The College strives to ensure the highest level of professional and ethical purchasing.
- Register for Classes :
John A. Logan College registration options.
- Restricted Allied Health Admission :
Learn about restricted Allied Health admission.
- Snack Locker :
Students, faculty, and staff are welcome to visit the locker during campus hours to get on-the-go breakfast options, microwavable lunch options, snacks, and drinks while they are on campus.
- Social Media for JALC :
Connect with John A. Logan College on Social Media
- Student Complaints :
Information on comments/concerns or grievances.
- Student Guidebook :
This guidebook is designed to guide students to key information and to enhance the accessibility of John A. Logan College student policies.
- Student Liaison :
The Student Liaison serves students as a confidential, independent, informal, and impartial resource who listens to student concerns, explores next steps, and identifies resources.
- Student Life :
The Office of Student Activities and Cultural Events enriches life in the John A. Logan College district by providing accessible, diverse, and engaged learning experiences through extra-curricular and cultural programs.
- Student Resources :
College and community resources that assist students with non-academic needs.
- Student Success Center :
The Student Success Center is full of resources to assist students in their academic endeavors.
- Student’s Right to Know/Consumer Information :
Student's Right to Know/Consumer Information
- Syllabi Portal :
The Syllabi Portal is an electronic library of course syllabi, for all of the current semester's baccalaureate and career-technical credit courses.
- Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) :
The Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) promotes teaching excellence at John A. Logan College by providing professional development opportunities for faculty and staff.
- Testing Services :
Testing Services serves as the central location on campus for the administration of standardized testing programs and services offered at John A. Logan College.
- Title IX :
Information about Title IX policies at John A. Logan College, as well as how to file a complaint or ask for accommodations.
- TRIO Program :
This program provides individual support to students who are low-income, first generation, and/or disabled, and who demonstrate academic potential.
- Tuition and Fees :
Tuition and fees information for John A. Logan College.
- Veterans Resource Office :
The John A. Logan College Veterans Resource Center is in place to offer support, guidance, and direction for our Veteran’s (and dependents) while they apply for their military education benefits.
- Workforce Development and Adult Education :
Information for Workforce Development and Adult Education at John A. Logan College.