Logan Academy and Mary Logan High School

Logan Academy and Mary Logan High School

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Logan Academy: Adult Basic Education, GED® and Literacy

Logan Academy logo

The GED test is for people just like you! Every year thousands of people get their High School Equivalency. In Illinois over 60,000 people attend an Adult Education class every year. Maybe you had to leave high school to help take of your family. Maybe you just didn’t like school, or didn’t think a high school diploma would mean anything and now you know what it means to have it. It’s not too late to make your dreams come true. The ABE/GED program at John A. Logan College provides an opportunity to earn your GED regardless of how long you have been out of school.

GED Class Information (PDF)

We are seeking Literacy Volunteer Tutors

Request More Information

Campus Maps

John A. Logan College Main Campus

Building H, Room H123, 700 Logan College Rd, Carterville, IL

  • Orientation: April 3 | 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM
  • Classes Meet: Mon-Thu | 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM
  • Orientation: April 9 | 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
  • Classes Meet: Mon-Wed | 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

West Frankfort Extension Center

19 West Plaza, West Frankfort, IL

  • Orientation: March 25 | 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM
  • Classes Meet: Tue-Thu | 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Alongi Du Quoin Extension Center

Southtowne Shopping Center, Du Quoin, IL

  • Orientation: April 2 | 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM
  • Classes Meet: Tue-Thu | 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Herrin House of Hope

112 North 14th Street, Herrin, IL

  • Orientation: April 1 | 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
  • Classes Meet: Tue-Thu | 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Murphysboro Youth Center

1818 Walnut, Murphysboro, IL

  • Orientation: April 2 | 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM
  • Classes Meet: Tue-Thu | 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Marion – Zion Church (South side entrance, ring doorbell)

930 W Cherry Street, Marion, IL

  • Orientation: April 1 | 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM
  • Classes Meet: Tue-Thu | 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Get a Better Job

The overwhelming majority of jobs in this country require a high school diploma. A GED is accepted by employers just like a high school diploma. Incomes also increase with your level of education. A better jobs usually means better pay.

Continue Your Education

A GED is accepted at most colleges and universities across the country as proof that you have completed your high school equivalency.

Feel Better About Yourself

By earning their GED many GED graduates experience a remarkable improvement in how they feel about themselves and their lives. It makes a difference!

Invest in the Future

Educated parents have better educated children. Earning a GED isn’t only an investment in yourself; it is also an investment in the future of your children.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take me to get my GED? It depends on the back ground knowledge you are bringing with you. Some students need a brief review (6-8 weeks) while others take longer to get ready to test.

How will I know when I am ready to test? The adult education program has the Official Practice Test. It is half the number of questions and half the time limit. If you follow the guidelines it is a very good indicator of how you will do on the real test. This, along with instructor input, will give you a very good idea when you are ready to test.

How are the classes set up? The classes are set up to where you will work in large groups, pairs, and individually. You will work on the information you need to prepare for the test.

Do I have to attend the entire semester? No. When you are ready to test, your instructor will be encouraging you to go test.

Do I have to take the classes before I go test? No. You may test without take GED preparation classes. Many people find it helpful to take GED preparation classes prior to taking the GED test. If you choose to take the test without attending classes, remember if you do not pass the entire test you are welcome to attend classes to study for the subjects you did not pass.

Do I have to take all the tests at one time? No. You may register for each test individually when you are ready to take that test.

How old do I have to be to enroll in GED classes? You must be sixteen years of age or older and no longer attending high school. If a sixteen or seventeen year old wants to enroll in class they will be required to bring a separation letter from their high school before we will enroll them in class. If a sixteen or seventeen year old does not have the separation letter he/she will be given a copy of the verification form we use and have the student obtain the required signatures. Once a sixteen or seventeen year old has this verification they may then be registered.

How to sign up for classes

A two-day orientation is mandatory before entering the classroom. This two-day orientation is completed 2-3 times each semester. You must be present at both orientation days for the entire three hours prior to attending class. The orientation dates are listed on the class flyer.

GED classes

The GED test is for people just like you! Every year thousands of people get their High School Equivalency. In Illinois over 60,000 people attend an Adult Education class every year. Maybe you had to leave high school to help take of your family. Maybe you just didn’t like school, or didn’t think a high school diploma would mean anything and now you know what it means to have it. It’s not too late to make your dreams come true. The ABE/GED program at John A. Logan College provides an opportunity to earn your GED regardless of how long you have been out of school.

Bridge Classes include Healthcare, Manufacturing, and IT

Would you like to learn more about a certain career? The bridge class may be for you if you are also needing to complete your GED. The classes include:

  • Basic context curriculum
  • Counselor Support
  • Career  Development
    • Resume Writing
    • Completing Applications
    • Interviewing skills
  • Academic Support
  • Supplemental Resources
  • College Transition assistance
  • Possible scholarship for College classes.

English as a Second Language (ESL)

ESL classes are designed for those students who English is a second language for them. Classes include all level of speaking and writing ability. Students learn conversational English, how to writing English, and customs of the United States.

GED Online

The online system offers resources to allow students, who could not normally attend the traditional classroom, the resources to study GED materials anytime, from anywhere students will also receive virtual support from their GED Illinois online instructor.

Students who are requesting GED Illinois online must contact the Logan Academy (JALC GED) department and complete an orientation and registration.

Literacy Program

This program has been designed to: 

  1. Inform adult learners about how to get help with their basic reading, writing, math and language skills
  2. Offer adults an opportunity to become volunteer tutors
  3. Offer parents and their children an opportunity to learn and play together

Who Do We Serve?

We serve adults 17 years of age and older, who are out of school and living in the John A. Logan College district and who need help with their basic reading, writing, math or language skills.

Registering to take the test

  • Registration will be done through the PearsonVue TM online system: pearsonvue.com
    • Click “test taker services” tab at top of page
    • Under Select Your Program, scroll to GED (R) Test and select
    • Close pop up window by clicking on the X (if it appears)
    • Click on register today
    • Choose Create an Account
    • Choose: I have not taken the GED test before; create profile
    • Complete the form as directed

Testing Requirements

You must be 17 years of age or old, maintained residence in the state of Illinois, and are not a high school graduate.

Testing Fees

Reasoning through Language Arts$36.00
Social Studies$36.00
Mathematical Reasoning$36.00

How to Receive Official Transcript

To obtain your Illinois High School Equivalency Certificate and/or Official GED Transcript, please contact the Regional Office of Education (ROE) in the county where you resided when you completed the GED test. The cost for obtaining a certificate and a transcript is $10 each.

Regional Office of Education 21Williamson County Office
502 W Jackson Street
Marion, IL
(618) 998-1283
Regional Office of Education 21Franklin County Office
901 Public Square
Benton, IL
(618) 438-9711
Regional Office of Education 30Administrative Center – Jackson County Office
101 Spero Drive
Murphysboro, IL
(618) 687-7290
Regional Office of Education 30Perry County Office
3698 State Route 13/127 Pinckneyville, IL (temporary location)
(618) 357-2828
  1. Prepare physically: Eat a well-balanced meal before taking the test. That way you will have energy to think clearly. Last minute cramming does not help as much as having a well-fed mind.
  2. Prepare mentally: Get plenty of sleep the night before the test. One advantage you can give yourself is to be calm and well rested.
  3. Arrive early: Be at the testing center 15 to 20 minutes before the starting time. Keep in mind that many testing centers refuse to admit latecomers.
  4. Think positively: Tell yourself you will do well. If you have studied and prepared, you should succeed.
  5. Practice test taking: Use practice tests to understand your test-taking strengths and weaknesses. Try using different strategies for studying, such as skimming questions.
  6. Dress comfortable: Be prepared for a room that is too hot or too cold. Bring a jacket or sweater.
  7. Wear a watch: Bring a watch in case the clock is not visible in the testing room. Do not bring a calculator watch, as the proctor might take it from you during testing.
  8. Know your time limits: If you know how much time you will have on each section, you should be able to pace yourself.
  9. Bring snack money: You may want to bring money for vending machines or snacks if you think you will get hungry. You get a 15-minute break between each test and a 30-minute break for lunch.
  10. Have a strategy: Read the questions carefully; reread it if you have trouble understanding what is asked.
  11. Relax: Take half a minute or so several times during the test to stretch and breathe deeply, especially if you are feeling anxious.
  12. Read Carefully: Be sure you understand the test instructions. If you have questions about filling in the form, ask before testing begins.
  13. Mark you answers clearly: Duplicate or unclear answers are marked wrong by graders. Erase stray marks on your answer sheet.
  14. Skip difficult questions: Answer the easier questions first. If you have time, go back and answer the rest. If you skip a question, be sure to skip the same number on your answer sheet.
  15. Answer every question: When you finish answering the questions you know, go back and review the ones you didn’t. If you are not sure, try eliminating some possibilities and choose from the remaining choices.
  16. Lightly mark answer sheet Mark lightly next to the questions you don’t know. That way you will know which ones to come back to later. Make sure to erase these marks to avoid confusion when your test is graded.