

April 2025

Friday April 18

Good Friday Holiday-No Classes

May 2025

Monday May 26

Memorial Day Holiday-No Classes

June 2025

Thursday June 19

Juneteenth Holiday-No Classes

July 2025

Thursday July 3

4th of July-No Classes

September 2025

Monday September 1

Labor Day Holiday-No Classes

Frequently Asked Questions

The JALC Library offers a variety of services for Students, Faculty, Staff, and Community Members.

Questions? Contact us!

A JALC Library account is required to borrow materials. Students, Staff, Faculty, and in-district Community Members are eligible for an account. Please note that library accounts are not automatically generated for Students or Faculty/Staff; you must visit The Library. To register, please bring a valid photo ID. Students will also need their JALC ID number.

When you create an account, you will receive a library card and will also have online access to your library account. Through your online library account, you can request items, renew items, and view the status of your account.

Please have your card when checking out materials. Patrons cannot use another patron’s card or pick up materials for another patron unless explicit written consent is given to The Library.

JALC Library cards will not work at other SHARE libraries, and vice versa; though IHLS libraries share materials, each library creates their own patron accounts.

The loan period for print materials from our stacks is 3 weeks for Students and Community Members, and 4 weeks for Faculty and Staff. Please note that some materials are in-library use only, and that SHARE materials have varying loan periods.

Course Reserves

The Library holds Course Reserve materials loaned by Faculty and Staff behind the circulation counter. Course Reserves may or may not be the current edition. Not all required course materials are available. Course Reserves loan periods vary and are non-renewable in order to maximize access for all students; please note that many Course Reserves are in-library use only. Please know your class number (example: HIS 101) when requesting Course Reserves.

The Stacks

The Library stacks include books, government documents, magazines, newspapers, and videos (See “Videos”).

Magazines only circulate to Faculty/Staff. Reference books and newspapers are in-library use only.


The Library also holds videos that support JALC curriculum. There are two video collections.

The circulating video collection is located by the back issue magazines. The loan period for these videos is 1 week.

The instructional video collection is held behind the circulation desk. This collection circulates only to Faculty/Staff, though Students may request for a video to be sent to the Learning Lab for viewing. Faculty/Staff can also request for videos to be sent to the Learning Lab for Student viewing. It may take up to 24 hours to process requests.

All patrons can request many popular video titles through the SHARE system (See “From Other Libraries”).

From Other Libraries

The JALC Library is part of the SHARE consortium, which increases the number of materials available to JALC Library patrons by allowing borrowing from other libraries. Please note that libraries set the lending policies for their own materials; hence, loan periods as well as what items can be circulated, held, and renewed through SHARE varies. Delivery times vary; average wait time is 3-7 days. Patrons can check the status of their requests through their online library account.

Patrons will receive an e-mail when their item has arrived. Items will be held for seven business days before being sent back to their home library.

Electronic Resources

JALC provides access to eBooks and databases. These electronic resources are accessible to all on-campus patrons through the Library’s main page. Students and Faculty/Staff can also access databases off-campus.

To access databases off-campus, simply click on the database link. You will be automatically directed to a login page, prompting you to enter your Logan credentials:

STUDENTS: Student ID# (i.e. 1234567) OR Volmail Address (i.e.

Faculty/Staff: Use your Logan Email Address (i.e.

All available SHARE materials (including JALC) are searchable through the Library catalog.

For Course Reserves, please contact us. Please have your class number (Example: HIS 101) ready.


Patrons can request item holds over the phone, at The Library, or via their online library account. Patrons will receive an e-mail when their item has arrived. Items will be held for seven business days before being sent back to their home library.


Patrons can renew their items over the phone, at The Library, or via their online library account. Items are renewed for a new loan period beginning on the date on which they were renewed.

Items on hold by another patron cannot be renewed. Renewal periods are determined by the lending library.


Items may be returned at The Library or the book drops. We can accept any SHARE item. There are two book drops on campus; one in the Parking Lot A, and one just outside the east entrance to The Library.

Fines accumulate when materials are not returned on time; fees accrue when materials are damaged or lost. Patrons cannot check out materials if they have accrued over $150.00 in charges or have a non-returned Course Reserve.

JALC Library materials from the stacks accrue a 10¢ fine per item per day late. In-library use Course Reserves accrue a $1.00 fine per hour late; all other Course Reserve accrue a $5.00 fine per day late.

Faculty/Staff do not accrue fines, though overdue reminders will still be sent through campus mail. If Faculty/Staff notice a fine on their account, please contact us and we will remove it. Faculty/Staff are still responsible for fees associated with the replacement of lost or damaged items.

Note to Students: college transcript and course registration access are restricted until charges over $150 are paid and all Course Reserves are returned.

Payment of Fines and Fees

Cash and check payments can be made at The Library. Card payments can be made through the Bursar’s Office (Room C213).

Printing, copying, and scanning

The Library provides a self-service printer/copier/scanner machine for patron use.

Printing, copying, and scanning is currently free. Color printing/copying is not available. Scanning requires a storage device.

If you need assistance in operating the machine, please see Library staff.

Note to Faculty/Staff: The Library cannot charge departments for the printing/copying of college-related materials. Please refer to Campus Support Services for Faculty/Staff printing policies.

Reference Librarians are available to help you with your research – just contact us.

We would love to hear from you! If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.

Library Instruction/Orientation

We offer course-related instruction, tours, and online materials designed to teach students about information access and use. Please note that we require at least 1 week advance notice to provide services that will be most beneficial to your classes. Please fill out this form to request a Library Instruction/Orientation.

Research Guides

Contact us if you would like a Reference Librarian to create a research guide specific to your subject, class, or assignment.

Course reserves

If you would like to place an item in Course Reserves, please bring the item to The Library circulation desk. You will be asked to complete a form specifying its intended usage; The Library will then process the item(s) and shelf them behind the Circulation Desk. Be aware it may take up to 7 business days to process Course Reserves.

Conference Room Reservation

The Library welcomes Faculty/Staff use of Library space, including our Conference Room. Faculty/Staff can request Conference Room reservations for administrative and educational use. Reservation times are available throughout regular business hours and reservations are made on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please contact us if you would like to make a reservation or have any questions regarding the Conference Room.