

April 2025

Friday April 18

Good Friday Holiday-No Classes

May 2025

Monday May 26

Memorial Day Holiday-No Classes

June 2025

Thursday June 19

Juneteenth Holiday-No Classes

July 2025

Thursday July 3

4th of July-No Classes

September 2025

Monday September 1

Labor Day Holiday-No Classes

Policies and Guidelines

The John A. Logan College Library is provided for purposeful learning and information seeking. The following administrative procedures have been adopted to ensure that everyone gains maximum benefit from these facilities and resources.

  1. Individual or group study should be conducted quietly. Conversation that exceeds an acceptable noise level or causes disturbance to other patrons or library staff is prohibited. Acceptable noise level is determined by staff members present.
  2. Any misconduct that disturbs the quiet study environment or hinders others from using the library or library materials is prohibited. If such misconduct occurs, the offender may receive a warning or may be asked to leave the library immediately. Campus police may be summoned if a staff member considers it necessary. An offender may be denied the use of the library for up to 48 hours and the offense may result in probation or reprimand with or without the loss of privileges (Student Guidebook.) The violation must be reported to the vice-president for student affairs and community education.
  3. Eating and drinking are prohibited.
  4. Animals (except service dogs) are not permitted.
  5. Shirts, shoes, and other appropriate clothing must be worn at all times.
  6. Theft, vandalism and mutilation of library property are criminal offenses that will be prosecuted. The library reserves the right to inspect all bags, purses, briefcases, packs, etc., for library materials in the event that there is reasonable suspicion that a theft is occurring.
  7. Only library staff or authorized persons are allowed behind public service desks.
  8. Unless they are a John A. Logan College student, children under the age of 16 must be supervised by a parent or guardian/caretaker (18 or older) while in the library. Parents, guardians, and caretakers (not library staff) are responsible for the behavior of children whom they bring to the library. Caretakers should prevent children from engaging in activities that disrupt the library or could lead to damage of library equipment and materials or injury, such as: running, climbing, playing on stairs, loud or boisterous behavior, handling library materials or equipment. Violation of the rules will result in a warning and/or expulsion from the library and/or campus. Campus police will be notified if violations persist.
  9. The library computers are for use of library resources. Library staff has the right to ask patrons to relinquish their computer station. Community members may only use computer stations for up to two hours daily.
  10. The library is not responsible for personal belongings left unattended.

At John A. Logan College Library, we support intellectual freedom and the first amendment rights of all people. The basic policies for our services regarding intellectual freedom are included in the Library Bill of Rights by the American Library Association. They are as follows:

“I. Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.

II. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues.

Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

III. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.

IV. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.

V. A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.

VI. Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.“

American Library Association (1996). Library Bill of Rights. Web. Retrieved from:

However, patrons should be aware of the rights and responsibilities outlined in the Student Guidebook. Though patrons may not be students, you are still using property within the Library that belongs to the college; thus, you too must abide by the policies set forth by the college within the manual.

You must have your John A. Logan College Library card in order to borrow materials from The Library. In addition, you cannot use another person’s card or pick up materials for another patron without explicit written consent that has been submitted to Library staff and recorded on their record.

We value the privacy and confidentiality of the patrons we serve. As a result, we will not allow persons that have not been given written permission by the card holder to check out, reserve, or operate in any other manner for the card holder. If you would like to allow someone, such as a spouse or family member to be able to conduct library business on your behalf, please submit a written and signed statement to the library to be added to your library record.

This non-circulating collection is maintained by the Genealogical Society of Southern Illinois. If you have questions about this collection, please visit their website.

The books that are in our course reserves have been placed there by faculty and staff. Thus, not all courses have materials in the course reserves. These books have varying loan periods, but are clearly marked on the covers. Check out periods for these items are non-renewable in order to maximize access and availability to other students.

  1. Research first policy: Patrons wishing to complete research for their courses have first priority when it comes to computer usage within The Library. If there are no available computers for a patron with a need to complete research for an assignment, other patrons will be asked to give up their computer.
  2. Appropriate use policy: The computers and Internet services within The Library have been funded by the college. Therefore, these services are intended for academic and administrative use within the Library. The services are also a privilege to those that are using them. Users are discouraged from being wasteful or irresponsible of these resources, which includes illegal activity or disrupting other users. Library staff reserve the right to ask patrons to desist in their computer and Internet usage if they determine the user is not using the computers and Internet for their intended function. Details regarding the use of electronic information systems may be found within the Student Guidebook.

Please keep others in mind while using The Library. Patrons may find a labeled “Quiet Area” in the back of the Library behind the stacks. However, the way in which JALC’s Library is structured promotes noise levels rather than dampening them. Therefore, we ask that any phone conversations take place outside of The Library to cut down on noise. If Library staff deem a patron’s noise level to be disruptive to other patrons, they will take appropriate measures to restore the appropriate academic environment to promote studying and collaboration.

If you have lost any of your personal items, please check at the circulation desk. Please do not leave your belongings unattended. Library staff are not responsible for items that are left unattended. In addition, we will not store any personal belongings for you behind the circulation desk or at the reference desk. Please take all items with you.

According to the John A. Logan Student Guidebook, “Tobacco use or vaping in College buildings or anywhere other than parking lots located more than 15 feet from entrances, exits, windows that open and ventilation intakes.” is prohibited.

Materials that are donated to JALC Library will either be added to the collection or will be sold in our annual book sale. If they are not sold, then they will be recycled. The following criteria are evaluated when considering a book to add to the collection:

  • timeliness
  • scope
  • literary or scholarly quality
  • physical condition