Media Arts – AA Degree


Media Arts

Associate in Arts

This is a two-year associates degree program designed to meet the lower level (freshman and sophomore) course requirements of a four-year University for students majoring in Media Arts, Journalism, Radio, Television, Advertising and Digital Media, or Cinema.

Modes of Instruction
Learn more about the modes of instruction offered at John A. Logan College.

Program Details

000AA 0086

View Program Guide for Associate in Arts in Media Arts


ORI 100College 1011
COM 210Media Production Practicum 1
COM 215Introduction to New Media3
ART 296Photography I3
ART 290Computer Art I3
ENG 101English Composition I3
COM 115Speech3


COM 210Media Production Practicum 1
COM 201Writing for Mass Media3
Social ScienceSocial Science Elective3
ENG 102English Composition II3
IAI MATIAI Math Elective3
Fine Arts Fine Arts Elective3


COM 210Media Production Practicum1
COM 219Photojournalism 3
Foreign Language or ElectiveForeign Language Elective or General Education Elective3-4
Life ScienceLife Science Elective3-4
Social ScienceSocial Science Elective3
HumanitiesHumanities Elective3


COM 210Media Production Practicum1
DMT 230Video Production I3
Foreign Language or ElectiveForeign Language Elective or General Education Elective3-4
Physical SciencePhysical Science Elective3-4
Social ScienceSocial Science Elective3
Fine Arts or HumanitiesFine Arts or Humanities Elective3

Total Hours for Degree63

The Media Arts – AA Program is a minimum of 63 credit hours. Please use our Tuition and Fees page to calculate your approximate cost.

*Students will be responsible for additional classroom materials and tools. Students can order textbooks online from the Official John A. Logan Bookstore Apparel, Merchandise & Gifts.

John A Logan offers a seamless transfer to the next step in your educational journey for many of our programs. Our academic programs prepare you for what you will need to transfer to a four-year college or university. When you have selected the college where you would like to transfer, it is important to review their specific admission and course requirements. John A Logan College has many articulation agreements with various colleges.

To view articulation agreements for Media Arts, see our Transfer Planning – John A. Logan College ( page.

  1. Oral Communication Skills: Students will demonstrate effective verbal communication skills, including clear articulation, and the ability to convey ideas coherently and persuasively.
  2. Nonverbal Communication: Students will recognize and use nonverbal cues such as gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact to enhance their message and connect with audiences.
  3. Audience Awareness: Students will develop an understanding of diverse audience needs, adapting their communication style, content, and delivery to effectively address different listener groups.
  4. Visual Aids Utilization: Students will learn how to design and incorporate visual aids, such as slides or props, to enhance the clarity and impact of their presentations.
  5. Media Literacy: Students will develop an understanding of the role of media in shaping communication, being able to critically analyze and evaluate media messages.

Media Arts Faculty Contact

Devin Miller

Instructor of Media Arts & Digital Media Technology

Phone: (618) 985-2828 Ext. 8846
Office: B215B