When acquiring assistance with your course, your first point of contact should be your instructor. Information on how to obtain additional help is listed below.
Desire2Learn (D2L)
Desire2Learn accounts are created automatically when you enroll in classes. Currently the account creation and enrollment process takes about 24 hours to complete.
Having course issues?
Questions about course content should be directed to the instructor for that specific course. Click here to access the faculty and staff directory.
Having login issue?
Your account information:
- Was emailed to the Primary Personal Email Account that you provided during registration
- The email notification contains a student’s Username, Email Address, Student ID, and Password to log into JALC systems.
Example of email received:
Your Volmail UserName is: 2981234
Your Volmail Email is:
Your Volmail Password is:T12x58!?
Login Issues: If you have difficulty logging in please contact IT at: or ext: 8388.
Having technical issues?
If you have experienced a technical problem in Desire2Learn with a test, posting to a discussion, etc., you should first reference the student help resources located within D2L in the Student Help Widget. If additional technical assistance is required, please contact a Desire2Learn Administrator by email or call during the regular work week: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. For help, please contact:
Having additional issues?
If you have attempted the above resources and have not found a solution, you may contact the appropriate department chair. Click here to identify the appropriate chair for your course.