PATH – Pipeline for Advancement of The Healthcare Workforce

Logo for PATH Pipeline for the Advancement of the Healthcare Workforce

The PATH grant is the Pipeline for Advancement of The Healthcare workforce. This grant was created in response to the healthcare shortage in order to decrease barriers or obstacles students may have keeping them from completing their degree path. We have an academic success coach, Sonya Vukadinovich, RNC-OB, BSN, C-EFM, and a social services coordinator, Allison Threet, MSW.

Sonya provides supplemental academic support to students. She is available by appointment to assist students who need one on one success sessions. Sonya also hosts a variety of academic workshops to help students succeed.

Allison helps with external barriers that keep you from completing the program whether it is managing stress levels or having difficulty finding a laptop. She can direct you to resources, both internal and external, to help with obstacles that may arise throughout your program.

Eligibility requirements:

Poster with Information about PATH (PDF)

PATH Application

Contact Info:

Kristin Yosanovich, DNP, RN, CPPS
Dean of Health Sciences and Director of Nursing
Nursing Office: G220
(618) 985-2828 ext. 8455

Sonya Vukadinovich RNC-OB, BSN, C-EFM
Nursing and Allied Health Student Success Liaison
(618) 985-2828 ext.8470
Nursing Office: G220

Allison Threet, MSW
Social Services Coordinator
Nursing Office: G220
(618) 985-2828 ext. 8492