Promise Scholarship

Promise Scholarship

Apr 18
Good Friday Holiday-No Classes
May 26
Memorial Day Holiday-No Classes
Jun 19
Juneteenth Holiday-No Classes
Jul 3
4th of July-No Classes
Sep 1
Labor Day Holiday-No Classes

Promise Scholarship

Two years of college. Tuition free.

The Promise Scholarship is offered to every eligible incoming public high school student in John A. Logan College’s District.

Students, you can earn up to two years of in-district tuition at JALC if you:

  • Maintain a minimum 2.0 overall GPA
  • 90% attendance in high school classes each year
  • Complete 9 credit hours of dual credit, early college, or transitional math/english courses by the END of senior year
  • Complete the required FAFSA application and Foundation Scholarship Application during senior year. Note: students without a social security number will have a different process.
  • Must take math all 4-years of high school
  • Must take ORI 100 the summer after graduating high school through the Bridge Program (or sooner through Early College)

Here’s how it works.

Sign up through your high school by December 15 of your freshman year (9th grade). Your high school’s Student Services department has specific details about how to sign up. This is often taken care of during High School Registration.

You’ll start the program in the second semester of your freshman year. While in high school, your high school will track all of your criteria.

If you meet your requirements in high school, you’ll earn the first semester of JALC tuition free. You can continue to attend JALC tuition-free, semester by semester, for up to four semesters (63 credit hours*), if you meet the required criteria at JALC (TBD). The Promise Scholarship will cover any remaining tuition costs after other scholarships and financial aid have been applied.

*Credits earned before entering JALC will count toward the 63 credit hour limit the Promise Program will pay. This includes dual credit and early college.