Employee Comment Form
The purpose of the Employee Questions and Suggestions site is to provide access for employees to ask questions or provide suggestions that maintain open communication on campus and allow us to make improvements that benefit the entire campus community. While anonymous suggestions are permitted, they limit the ability of the SGC to address the submissions and create meaningful dialogue. We encourage employees to include their names to ensure responses are relevant and to allow the individual/department submitting the suggestion to receive a personalized response. Names attached to submissions will not appear on the Shared Governance website.
While we strive to provide helpful and complete responses to employee questions and suggestions, there is certain information that cannot and should not be shared including, but not limited to:
- Individual employees/personnel issues
- Confidential situations/information
- Contractual issues
Questions and suggestions regarding the issues listed above will not be published online. Additionally, only questions and suggestions submitted utilizing the electronic form will receive a response.