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Testing Services

Testing Services

Apr 18
Good Friday Holiday-No Classes
May 26
Memorial Day Holiday-No Classes
Jun 19
Juneteenth Holiday-No Classes
Jul 3
4th of July-No Classes
Sep 1
Labor Day Holiday-No Classes

About Us

Testing Services serves as the central location on campus for the administration of standardized testing programs and services offered at John A. Logan College. Some tests are part of the enrollment process at John A. Logan College required of all new entry-level students and will not keep anyone from attending college. These tests are used for math and English placement only. Other tests are required for entry into specific academic programs, certification, licensure and/or evaluation of progress. Testing accommodations for students with disabilities are available to those who qualify.

Testing Services is also responsible for inquiries and advisement of students who are interested in pursuing degrees or certificates in all JALC restricted entry allied health programs. In addition, staff advise students taking general education courses prior to admission into the Southern Illinois Collegiate Common Market (SICCM) programs.

It is the mission of the John A. Logan College Testing Services Office to provide high quality testing, test scoring and instructional assessment services that ascribe to nationally recognized professional testing standards and governmental regulations. The services provided for students and staff will be consistently rendered with an attitude of service that demonstrates value in human relationships, personal excellence, diversity and a commitment to promote student success and the provision of support for individual lifelong learning needs.