You must pre-register for placement testing. Prior to signing up for an Accuplacer Placement exam, please complete a college admission’s application if you are not already a JALC student. To apply, please go to and click “Apply”. Once you have received your 7-digit JALC Student ID#, you can register to take the Accuplacer exam.
To register for a test date, click the link below to “View Test Dates and Register Online” through RegisterBlast. Under choose a group, please select Accuplacer. You will then need to click which exam you would like to take, Writing, Reading, and/or Math. If you are a first-time college student and have not taken SAT, ACT, or Accuplacer within the past 3 years, you will need to sign up for all 3 sections. If you are just retesting a certain section, please choose the test that you would like to retest. If you have questions regarding which test you should register for or if you have any problems with the registration process, please call Testing Services at 618-985-2828 ext. 8520.
If you are a student that requires accommodations through Disability Services, please contact the Student Success Center’s DSS Coordinator at To register for a test date, click the link below to “View Test Dates and Register Online” through RegisterBlast. Under choose a group, please select Accuplacer. You will then need to click which exam you would like to take, Writing, Reading, and/or Math. If you are a first-time college student and have not taken SAT, ACT, or Accuplacer within the past 3 years, you will need to sign up for all 3 sections. If you are just retesting a certain section, please choose the test that you would like to retest. If you have questions regarding which test you should register for or if you have any problems with the registration process, please call Testing Services at 618-985-2828 ext. 8270. Accommodations must be approved and received at least 3 days before the exam date. Once you have received approval for accommodations, please contact Testing Services at To register for a test date, click the link below to “View Test Dates and Register Online” through RegisterBlast. Under choose a group, please select Accuplacer. You will then need to click which exam you would like to take, Writing, Reading, and/or Math. If you are a first-time college student and have not taken SAT, ACT, or Accuplacer within the past 3 years, you will need to sign up for all 3 sections. If you are just retesting a certain section, please choose the test that you would like to retest. If you have questions regarding which test you should register for or if you have any problems with the registration process, please call Testing Services at 618-985-2828 ext. 8520 for further information on scheduling your exam.
Please note that tests start promptly at the time the schedule indicates. Late arrivals may not be allowed to take the test.
Personal calculators are not allowed in testing.
Personal items should be left in your car, if possible. If cell phones are brought in, they must be turned off completely and placed in an assigned locker along with other items.
John A. Logan College does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, disability, age, or gender.
*Test questions may not be copied. Scratch paper must be turned in. These tests are copyrighted. It is illegal to copy any portion of these exams.
Students need to bring a copy of their college transcript to the Testing Services Office showing ENG 101 or College Math, and passed with a C or better, if requesting to only take a portion of the placement test.
Location: C205 PHOTO ID is required for testing. Please pre-register online at above link.