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Testing Services

Testing Services

Apr 18
Good Friday Holiday-No Classes
May 26
Memorial Day Holiday-No Classes
Jun 19
Juneteenth Holiday-No Classes
Jul 3
4th of July-No Classes
Sep 1
Labor Day Holiday-No Classes

Restricted Allied Health Testing

Test Registration for 2025 – 2026 program entry is open .


  1. Prior to signing up for an entrance exam, complete the application for the program in which you are interested. Please see your respective program’s checklist at the following link for instructions on applying to your program of choice:
  2. To sign up for a test date, click the link below to view test dates and to register on-line through RegisterBlast. You are only authorized to sign up for two dates during an academic year. There must be at least 21 days between the two test dates. Students must register for an exam 24 hours prior to the exam start time.
  3. If you are a student that requires accommodations through Disability Services please contact the Student Success Center’s DSS Coordinator at 618-985-2828 ext: 8270. Accommodations must be approved and received at least 1 week before the exam date.
  4. Photo ID is required on exam day.
    You will not be allowed to test until we have verified your identity.
  5. Credit or debit card is required on exam day.
    If you do not bring a debit or credit card on the day of the exam, you will not be allowed to test.
  6. After registering for a seat, students must go to and create an account. This must be completed prior to your exam date or you might not be allowed to take the exam.
    • Testing Cost
      TEAS: $70.00 + tax
  7. Refunds will not be issued.
  8. If you cannot attend your scheduled test, please contact testing services. Failure to do so will result in a loss of a test attempt. Please be aware that a maximum of two test attempts are allowed each academic year.
View Test Dates and Register Online

If you have an issue with the online registration process please contact Ariella Gomez at 618-985-2828, Ext. 8247 or by email at

Below is a guide to each entrance exam given and the programs that require it. Please refer to this information when signing up for an entrance exam.

Test for Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)

  1. Associate Degree Nursing (ADN)
  2. Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Hybrid
  3. Adult Cardiac Diagnostic Medical Sonography
  4. Medical Assistant
  5. Medical Laboratory Technology
  6. Practical Nursing (PNE)
  7. Surgical Technology

Accuplacer – Reading Comprehension

  1. Nursing Assistant – Please register through the Testing Services Office.

*Please remember to bring a Photo ID and a Debit or Credit card with you on the day of the exam. All exams are currently being taken on-campus in the Testing Services lab room C205B.