Welding Technology – AAS Degree


Welding Technology

Associate in Applied Science Degree

What You Can Do

Upon successful completion of the AAS degree, the student will have the opportunity to enter the workforce as a welding technician. The program will prepare graduates for entry into union trades positions including boilermakers, plumbers & pipefitters, structural steel workers, rail car repair and general maintenance, small and medium job shops.


  • Welding
  • Cutting
  • Soldering
  • Brazing

Earning Potential

View the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, for Welders, Cutters, Solderers and Brazers, at Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers : Occupational Outlook Handbook: : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (bls.gov)

Modes of Instruction
Learn more about the modes of instruction offered at John A. Logan College.

Program Details


View Program Guide for Welding Technology AAS


ORI 100College 1011
MAT 113OR MAT 115 Applied Mathematics OR
BUS 111 Business Mathematics
WEL 115Metallurgy 2
WEL 120Oxyfuel Welding, Cutting and Brazing3
WEL 121SMAW (Stick) Plate Welding I3
WEL 122GMAW (MIG) Plate Welding3


ENG 101English Composition I OR
ENG 113 Professional Technical Writing
MAC 180Blueprint Reading3
WEL 123SMAW (Stick) Plate Welding II3
WEL 124GTAW (TIG) Plate Welding I3
WEL 125Weld Testing and Inspection3
CMG 112Construction OSHA 30 Safety for Applied Tech2


WEL 130GMAW (MIG) Plate Welding II3
COM 115Speech OR COM 116 Interpersonal Communications3
CMG 218CADD for Applied Technology3
WEL 126SMAW (Stick) Welding III3
WEL 127Welding and Metal Fabrication3


CMG 107Construction Document Interpretation3
WEL 128Pipe Welding 3
WEL 129 GTAW (TIG) Welding II3
ELECTIVEIAI Physical / Life Science Elective OR
IAI Humanities / Fine Arts Elective
ELECTIVEIAI Social and Behavioral Science Elective3

Total Hours for Degree62

Notes and Information

The minimum general education component for the Associate in Applied Science degree requires satisfactory completion of at least 15 semester credits of coursework distributed over the disciplines of Communications, Mathematics, Arts and Humanities, Physical and Life Sciences, and Social and Behavioral Sciences. The curriculum guide for each Associate in Applied Science degree program will spell out the course requirements or options available for satisfying the general education component. With appropriate justification and in consultation with your academic advisor, a request to substitute a course for one recommended in this guide may be granted with the appropriate approvals from the Department Chair, Dean for Instruction and Vice-President for Instruction. However, no substitutions are allowed in Groups I-III (General Education Component; GECC) of the curriculum guide (see the Associate in Applied Science general degree requirements worksheet in the John A. Logan College Catalog).

Fall Only CoursesSpring Only Courses
WEL 115MAC 180
WEL 120WEL 123
WEL 121WEL 124
WEL 122WEL 125
WEL 126WEL 128
WEL 127WEL 129
WEL 130

Students planning to transfer and pursue a baccalaureate degree should, when given a choice, enroll in the general education course that is IAI GECC approved and articulated with participating Illinois institutions.

The Welding Technology Program is a minimum of 62 credit hours. Please use our Tuition and Fees page to calculate your approximate cost.

*Students will be responsible for additional classroom materials and tools.

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John A Logan offers a seamless transfer to the next step in your educational journey for many of our programs. Our academic programs prepare you for what you will need to transfer to a four-year college or university. When you have selected the college where you would like to transfer, it is important to review their specific admission and course requirements. John A Logan College has many articulation agreements with various colleges.

Transfer Planning – John A. Logan College (jalc.edu)

  1. Safety Procedures: Students will develop a strong understanding of safety protocols and practices in the welding industry.
  2. Welding Techniques: Students will demonstrate proficiency in various welding techniques and clearly understand the process.
  3. Welding Equipment and Setup: Students will learn to set up and operate welding equipment, welding torches, and gas regulators.
  4. Weld Quality: Students will understand the principles of weld quality in accordance with applicable welding code books.
  5. Material Selection: Students will learn how to choose the appropriate materials for specific welding projects based on metal, tensile strength, and the desired outcome.

Welding Faculty Contact

Grover Mays

Welding Professor

Grover Mays

Email: grover.mays@jalc.edu
Phone: (618) 985-2828 Ext. 8345
Office: C139A