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A to Z News Articles

Course Formats

John A. Logan College’s top priority is to provide a quality education in a safe environment. Our goal is to provide a semester with a variety of formats to meet student needs.

COVID-19 Information

COVID-19 information and updates relating to John A. Logan College.

Logan Academy and Mary Logan High School

Information regarding GED preparation, alternative high school classes, community and family literacy, or volunteering to be a tutor.

Workforce Development and Adult Education

Information for Workforce Development and Adult Education at John A. Logan College.

Title IX

Information about Title IX policies at John A. Logan College, as well as how to file a complaint or ask for accommodations.

Syllabi Portal

The Syllabi Portal is an electronic library of course syllabi, for all of the current semester’s baccalaureate and career-technical credit courses.

Testing Services

Testing Services serves as the central location on campus for the administration of standardized testing programs and services offered at John A. Logan College.

Social Media for JALC

Connect with John A. Logan College on Social Media


John A. Logan College invites your organization to do business with us. All purchases are made following federal and state laws, regulations and guidelines as well as College Board Policy. The College strives to ensure the highest level of professional and ethical purchasing.

Online Learning

Information about online learning, Desire2Learn resources, and training opportunities.