May 20, 2020
The learning lab offers services such as make-up exams arranged by the instructor, and test proctoring for other Colleges/Universities.
The Learning Resources Center supports John A. Logan College’s faculty, staff, and students with support for online learning; professional development through a Teaching and Learning Center; test proctoring and support through the Learning Lab; and support for technology and media at the Student Multimedia Center. The JALC Library is also part of the LRC and has a full range of library services for the College community.
The office of Instruction/Term Faculty assigns courses and mentors to all term faculty in our instructional departments.
May 14, 2020
The new JALCAlert system is designed to enhance and improve communication so that all members of the John A. Logan campus community can stay informed in the event of campus events or an emergency.
May 13, 2020
IT is responsible for providing and maintaining a wide range of technologies to support the operations of the College.
May 11, 2020
Opportunities to earn Dual Credit in high school while starting your career path.